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Important from Mexico.

By a recent arrival, the New Orleans Delta received a file of the Havana, I tario de la Marina, of a late date, which announces the arrival at Havana, from Vera Cruz, of the Spanish vessels, the Alava and Lealtad.--The most important news by these arrivals from Mexico, is the conclusion of a truce between the Mexican Government and the three allied powers. The following are the terms of the Convention, which passes by the name of the "Convention of the Soledad:"

  1. Whereas, The Constitutional Government actually existing in Mexico has declared to the Commissioners of the Allied Powers that it has no need of assistance so benevolently offered to the Mexican Government, containing within itself elements of strength and opinion sufficient for its very internal revolt, the Allied Powers there proceed to negotiation, in order to formalize all the reclamations which they have to make in the name of their respective Governments.
  2. 2. Therefore, the representatives of the allied nations, protesting, as they do protest, that they intend nothing against the independence, integrity, and sovereignty of the Mexican Republic, will open negotiations at Crizaba, in which city will meet the Commissioners and two of the Ministers of the Republic, excepting that, by common consent, it may be opened to opponent delegates representing both parties.
  3. 3. During the negotiations the forces of the allied powers shall occupy the three towns of Cordoba, Orizaba, and Tennacan.
  4. 4. In order that it may not be even remotely suspected that the allies have signed these preliminaries in order to procure possession of the fortified positions garrisoned by the Mexican army, it is stipulated that in the unfortunate event of a rupture of negotiations the forces of the allies shall evacuate the aforesaid towns, and shall return to a position on the line in front of the said fortifications towards Vera Cruz, designating as its extreme principal points Paso Ancio, on the Cordoba read; and Paso de Ovejas, on the Jalaps road.
  5. 5. In case of the unfortunate event aforesaid of the rupture of negotiations and the retirement of the allied troops to the line indicated in the preceding article, the allied hospitals shall remain under the protection of the Mexican nation.
  6. 6. On the day that the allied troops took up their march to occupy the points specified in articles, the Mexican flag shall be raised in the city of Vera Crus and on the castle of San Juan de
La Soledad Feb. 1, 1862.

The Diarie da la Merine says that the allied will fix their residences at Crizatia, where the Conference will commence on the first of April. The French and Spanish troops had already taken up their march for the places indicated in the Convention.

The Mexican flag had been raised in Vera Cruz. The French troops were to occupy and the Spanish troops Cordova and Orizaba. The correspondent of the Diarie expresses the opinion that the Mexican difficulty will soon be settled. President Juaren has given notice that the Spanish residents expelled from Tampico at the beginning of the campaign should return to that city.

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