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Light Artillery.

--The present condition of our country seems to us to require the services of all who are capable of bearing arms and in a situation to leave home. We have therefore obtained from the Secretary of War authority to raise a company of Light Artillery, and call upon our fellow-citizens to come forward and aid us in getting it up.

We want, if possible, to raise a company sufficient to mad a battery of six guns, and think this enterprise offers a flue opportunity to all who wish to volunteer, and thus save themselves from a draft in the militia.

Gray uniform, of the Crenshaw Woolen Company Goods, will be furnished free, and the bounty of $50 paid to each man when the company is mustered in.

Rendezvous at the warehouse on the Basin bank, next door to Crenshaw & Co.'s, where one of the undersigned may always be found, and recruits maintained free of all expense.

The traveling expenses of recruits from the country to the city will be paid.

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William G. Crenshaw (2)
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