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Ex-Governor Pennington on Poisoned.

--The sudden death of Ex-Governor Pennington, of New Jersey, has already been announced in our telegraphic column. The following particulars of his death we gather from a correspondence in the New York Commercial Advertiser:

William Pennington, of Newark, late Speaker of the House of Representatives, died from the effects of morphine taken by mistake. A prescription was written for quinine and sent to the drug store of Dr. C. W. Badger, on Broad street, Newark. The prescription, directing powders, was dispensed, and labelled "quinine" Shortly after the powder was administered to the Governor. In the course of a few minutes it was discovered that there was something wrong, and on examination the powders were discovered to be morphine, eight grams of which had been taken. The affair will be fully investigated, when particulars will be made public.

The wife of the decease is now dying dangerously ill of a complication of diseases, billions and typhoid fevers, and is not expected to recover.

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