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Northern War news.

The following items, obtained from the latest Northern papers which have been received, will be found interesting, although, of course, our readers should not place too much confidence in anything which emanates from the Yankee press:

One of the Fort Warren prisoners for the Union.

It is reported that one of the Southern prisoners who has been confined in Fort Warren, and recently sent home, left the following letter for the Boston Herald:

‘ As I am about to leave this place for my home, in company with my fellow-prisoners, I feel it my duty to express my feeling (which are the feelings of all us) towards the officers of this garrison. We have been greatly and agreeably disappointed at the treatment we have received while here. Everything has been done for us that could in any way promote our comfort. We have been treated as well, and if anything, better than the soldiers stationed here. We shall go back to our homes with a different feeling towards the Yankees than we entertained on coming here, for we have been taught to think that the Northerners were capable of nothing but meanness and barbarity.

We have been told that, of all the North, Massachusetts was the worst, which we now find was a base calumny. Since we have been here we have had the best of medical attendance from Drs Peters and Roberts both of the regular army, who are perfect gentlemen. We have had the same food and the quantity of it as the soldiers, and in every respect have been treated as near like them as possible, considering we are prisoners. There are many of us who will go back home, not from a love of the Confederate Government, but because our wives and families are there. There are many among us who will not again raise arms against the Union except from compulsion. Much praise is due to the two soldiers who attend on the hospital, who have done all they possibly could for our sick, the same as they would have done if they had been their own men. I for one, shall never fight against the Union again.

Yankee women Begging under false Pretences.

The Wheeling Intelligencer credits a correspondent of the St. Clairville Gazette with the following story:

‘ One day last week three women of Bridge port--Mrs. H. Mrs. McC and Mrs. M.--all wives of soldiers in the Federal army, and participants of the charities of Ohio, each one of them drawing some two or three dollars per week, but not satisfied with spread eagle liberality, concluded, as the fairy legends say, "to seek their fortune" in another crime. So, after having laid their heads together, it was arranged that one should spokesman, another take care of the spoils and another, a saucy Irish woman, "should do the crying."

With that understanding they entered the town of amalgamation (Wheeling) under the guise of grass-widows of the secession army; and then and there, after much snivelling and lamentation, and abundance of tears, succeeded in stirring up the sympathies of several rebels to the tune of $15 in goods, pewter and groceries, and God only knows how much they would have got had it not been that they ran foul of a citizen who knew that one of them had a husband in the Union army. The fact could not be dented.

Thus "the best laid schemes of the mice and men gang aft a-glee," and the trio had to skedaddle to Ohio as fast as sturdy legs could carry them, rejoiced that they had not been confiscated, after the manner of Heaton's blank paper. In justice to the Secessionists of Wheeling, however, be it said, that the women made a most favorable report of their liberality and kindness.

Wheeling Intelligencer

A Confederate vessel at Kingston, Jamaica.

A correspondent of the New York Tribune, writing from Kingston, Jamaica, February 5, says:

‘ On the afternoon of the 30th ult., the citizens of Kingston had the opportunity of hailing for the first time, in their own harbor, the "stars and bars" of the Confederate States. A small schooner, of about sixty tons, sailed up from Port Royal, flying the rebel bunting from her masthead, and was hailed with undisguised delight by many of the good citizens of this city. She entered regularly at the custom-house, reporting "from Sabine, Texas," and at the Commercial Exchange as the "Isabel," (no name painted on her,) "from Louisiana" She brings 96 bales of cotton, which, it is said, has been sold in this market.

The condition of things in Western Virginia.

The Wheeling Intelligencer, of Monday, says:

‘ We learn from a gentleman who arrived on Saturday from Sutton, in Braxton county, that there is a great deal of suffering among the people of that and adjoining counties. The men, who are nearly all Secessionists, have gone off to join the rebellion, leaving their wives and children with scarcely anything to eat. The county has been dreadfully devastated. The rebels have stolen and carried off nearly everything which the lean and unprotected county afforded in the way of provisions, and the condition of things is terrible to contemplate.--Many houses have been fired, and the women and children, besides having nothing to eat, are left in the midst of winter with houseless heads.

Our informant saw a train of Government wagons returning from Sutton, with some six or seven helpless families, who are going to Clarksburg. They were nearly all naked and told most pitiful stories. Many of the women say their husbands and sons have been killed, their horses stolen, and the means by which they lived carried away to feed the famishing rebel troops and guerillas. This is one of the legitimate results of secession. In the section of country to which we have alluded, there is nothing like civil law, and no protection is afforded for life or property. When the women and children have cleared the country, it will be inhabited only by lawless bands of guerillas and Federal soldiers. Even now, we are informed that one may travel for miles without seeing a house inhabited on the slightest evidence of civilization. Braxton county is only one county in a dozen to which the above comments might truthfully apply.

A hard Yankee Yarn.

The following improbable story is related by a Yankee correspondent:

In the explosion of the Essex, during the Fort Henry battle, one of the seamen was shockingly scalded. His clothing was at once removed, linseed oil and flour applied to his parboiled flesh, and he was carefully wrapped in blankets, and placed in bed. A few moment's after, came news that the rebel flag was struck, and that the fort surrendered.--In his enthusiasm, he sprang out of his berth, ran out upon deck, and waved his blanket in the air, huzzling for the stars and stripes. The poor fellow, after the first excitement was over was assisted below, and in the night he died, full of rejoicing to the last; at the triumph of the old flag.

Relief for the orphans of the slain.

Philadelphia, Feb. 17.
--In the midst of the rejoicing over the news from Fort Donelson at the Commercial Rooms in the Merchant's Exchange, a proposition was started to raise a fund of $100,000 to educate and provide for the orphans of the slain on the Federal side, and $5,000 was raised in a few minutes. The rest will be easily obtained. Besides this beneficence, the Cooper Shop Refreshment committee have had under consideration the establishment of a home for the benefit of all wounded, maimed, and sick soldiers after the rebellion is crushed. A character for a ‘"Soldiers' Home"’ has been obtained, and the erection of a suitable building will shortly be commenced. It is stated that one gentleman has signified his intention of subscribing $40,000 for this purpose.

Federal operations on a Grand Scale--Confederate prisoners.

‘"Ion,"’ the special correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, says:

‘ It is certain that military operational in a great scale have been actively commenced in the West, and that the heavy columns of Buell and Halleck are to be precipitated upon the Confederate forces wherever found in strong positions. Important strategic points will be taken and no doubt held by the overwhelming armies of the Federal forces. The future conduct of the war will be determined by events that are to occur on the coast and on the border of the Potomac during the next three months. Perhaps the result will be that the U. S. Government will be content with holding positions and opening ports for commerce, and await further events.

The great number of Confederate prisoners now half suggests an inquiry as to their disposition. The example has already been set for the discharge of prisoners on parole not to serve during the war. It is said that the U. S. soldiers, about a thousand in number, who were surrendered and paroled in Texas, will, by exchange, be released and again mustered into the Federal service.

A Change of Tune.

Harper's Weekly has been behind more of its confreres in chanting over the ‘"ing ’

proportions of the rebellion" Now it chants another strain:

Rebellions of such proportions as this are not so easily suffered out. In case of success open every hand in our present operations we are not to look for immediate peace Broken the rebels may be and dismayed, and disheartened, but they will not yield to one campaign, however successful. They fight from an old hate; from a life-long sophistication. They fight, too, with the sympathy of the world. Let us not suppose, therefore, that they are going to surrender at once. There is much more fighting, much more endurance, much more paying, than we have yet had.

Dean horses.

A correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial writes from Stanford, Ky:

‘ Some four hundred of their horses, captured at the recent fight, have also passed through this place — and such horse if the rebels are as their horses, there will be little more fighting. Most of us would prefer fighting them to making roads; but we hold ourselves ready to pitch into whatever ourselves do.

’ Another correspondent of the same paper says:

‘ Four hundred horses just passed through here; the men were offering them for ten cents per dozen.

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