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Horace Maynard and Andrew Johnson.

--The Nashville Gazette is responsible for the following:

‘ Several years ago we were present at a political meeting in the city of Nashville, listening attentively to an eloquent speech from a tall man, with an exceedingly ugly and forbidding countenance. A stranger in the crowd, evidently better pleased with the speech than with the speaker, touched us gently, and, in a whisper, asked: ‘"Who is that?"’ The reply, ‘"Horace Maynard, of Knoxville, sir,"’ gave the stranger room to make a remark, and he made it. ‘"Well,"’ said he, in a peculiarly soft and quiet way, ‘"He is the meanest looking man in the State, except Andrew Johnson."’

Months after the occurrence of this little incident, another little incident occurred, and we have since kept the two carefully coupled together, so that neither might be forgotten. In company with a provincial friend, we were passing into the Post-Office building, and had to exercise some skill in engineering our way through a crowd of citizens unconsciously blockading the door, so eagerly were they listening to what a man among them had to say. Upon leaving the Post-Office, our country friend quietly inquired: ‘"Who is that short man doing so much tall talking?"’ ‘"That sir, is Andrew Johnson, of East Tennessee," we answered. Giving what he had to remark the emphasis of words rude to cars polite, our friend then gave it as his firmly, settled conviction that Andrew Johnson was the meanest looking man in the State, except Horace Maynard."’ Now, who that has seen and treason — can decide which of the two has the meanest physiognomy?

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