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An interesting letter from a Baltimore lady.

Orange C. H., Nov. 4.
To the Editors of the Richmond Dispatch:
The accompanying extract is taken from a letter received a few days since from Baltimore. I send it thinking it may prove interesting to your readers as evincing the feeling in that unfortunate and oppressed city, the condition of whose unhappy people must elicit the sympathy of every true-hearted Southerner.

A Baltimore Exile.

Baltimore, Oct. 14, 1861.
The accompanying letter, dear --, , read by our honorable masters, and returned to me with sundry threats, etc., at which, of course. I snapped my fingers. I send it again, with the wish, rather than the hope for ‘"better luck next time."’

October 8, 1861.

Strange to relate, in all these difficulties, with our lows entirely subservient to ‘" military necessity,"’ our City Government suspended, the military rule administered by our old and merciless enemies, the ‘"Plugs,"’ with the most glorious uncertainty hanging over us even with regard to the events of to-morrow, we are cheerful, even hopeful — the backs are becoming fitted to the burden.

The State is completely occupied by the Northern hordes; our streets swarm with soldiers, as they call themselves, clad in every conceivable variety of uniform; the drum is heard at all hours of the day and night, and yet we are a loyal State and people. ‘"God save the mark!"’

We hear no news from the South that is at all reliable. Every day Government telegrams tell of battles fought in which the Confederates are slaughtered like sheep, whilst the Federals seem clothed in impenetrable armor. True, it requires no great amount of shrewdness to discern in this wholesale lying the weakness of their cause, and the want of success which attends their efforts; but reason is silenced by anxiety for the Southern cause, upon whose success depends our future, and it is almost past endurance that whilst we are utterly powerless to aid, except in the most unsatisfactory way, we are not even permitted to hear of its progress. News from the North (though we are absolutely flooded by their vile papers) is just as unreliable as that from the South. They have pretty nearly silenced the independent press, and all that are permitted to circulate breathe death and destruction to the seceding States. Still, through travelers, complaints constantly reach us of the increasing difficulty of obtaining volunteers, and there yet exists at the North a large party opposed to the war, who will rapidly find voice and power in the event of another great reverse to their arms. On the other hand, we know they are lavishing money, manning large fleets, and planning vast expeditions against all points of the Confederation, Large bodies of troops pour through our streets. Horses and munitions of war in vast quantities are daily sent South. We see all these immense preparations and are wholly ignorant of our opposing force, yet with a firm reliance in our statement, our leaders, and the material, at least, of our armies, and having the fullest is the justice of are cause, we fearlessly anticipate triumphant issue, and that the,

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