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Federal reports from Missouri.

After reading the following Yankee accounts of recent skirmishes in Missouri and comparing them with our own reports, which we know to be the most correct versions which have been published, one would hardly recognize in them the same engagements. True to their old rule, they still continue to lie themselves into victories, no matter how often or how complete their defeats. The Times's report has the following:

Brilliant charge of General Fremont's body Guard upon two thousand rebels.

St. Louis, Oct. 27.--The following dispatch was received here this evening:

Headquarters, in the Field, Near Harmansville, Mo., Saturday, Oct. 26.
Capt. McKeever, Asst Adj't Gen'l:
Yesterday afternoon, Maj. Seagoyne, at the head of my guard, made a most brilliant charge upon a body of the enemy, drawn up in line of battle, at their camp at Springfield, 2,000 or 2,200 strong. He completely routed them, cleared them from the town, hoisted the National flag on the court-house, and retired upon a reinforcement, which he has already joined. Our loss is not great.

This successful charge against such a very large odds is a noble example to the army.--Our advance will occupy Springfield to-night

(Signed,) J. C. Fremont,
Major-General Commanding.
Gen. Fremont's body-guard numbers three hundred.

Official report of the victory.

Springfield, Saturday Oct. 26.
--The following is a special dispatch to the St. Louis Republican:

The following dispatch has been received, announcing a most brilliant victory at Springfield by Gen. Fremont's body guard, numbering 150 men:

Five Miles out of Bolivar, Oct. 25, 10 A. M.
I report respectfully that yesterday, at 4 P. M., I met in Springfield about 2,000 rebels formed in line of battle. They gave a very warm reception, but your guard with one feeling made a charge, and in less than three minutes the enemy was completely routed by 150 men. We cleared the city of every rebel and retired, it being near night, and not feeling able to keep the place with so small a force.

Major White's command did not participate in the charge. I have seen charges, but such brilliant bravery I have never seen, and did not expect. Their war cry, ‘"Fremont and the Union,"’ broke forth like thunder.

[Signed.] Charles Seagoni,
Major Commanding Body Guard.

Colonel John M. Richardson, who rode over to the vicinity of Springfield last evening, says Major Seagoni was guided to the town, from the Jefferson to the Mount Vernon roads by Judge Owens. The camp was just outside of the city.

Maj. Seagoni was compelled to pass through a lane and let down a number of fence rails before he could charge on the foe, thus drawing their fire.

There was a good deal of fighting in Springfield, and from the houses, two Secessionists, who ran out of their dwellings and fired at the body guard, were killed.

Maj. Seagoni was advised of the force of the rebels, but he was determined to have a fight.

Col. Pearce, said to be from Arkansas, commanded one of the rebel regiments.

It is thought that the cause of that increased rebel force at Springfield was the large amount of plunder gathered there for some weeks past, which, it is stated, they intend to take South with them, but which will of course fall into our hands.

The loss of either is not stated.

The late battle at Fredericktown.

St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 27.
--The fifty prisoners taken in the battle at Fredericktown have been put to work on the trenches at Cape Girardeau

The accounts of Major Scofield, who commanded the batteries in the action, show that this victory was the most complete of any yet achieved by our army during the war.

Jeff. Thompson escaped on foot, after having his horse killed under him. The rebel force was about 6,000, while ours was only 4,000.

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