--The opening performances at the Theatre on Saturday night were attended by a vast throng, and the appearance of the house carried the mind back to the times when we knew nothing of warlike scenes except through he minded representations of the stage. Although the interest of the occasion was in came degree lessened by circumstances which be manager was unable to control, the audience was disposed to be lenient, and every thing passed off as well as could have been expected. The opening address, by Miss Ella Wren, was well received, and we can say in behalf of this young lady that she created a highly favorable impression upon the minds of the spectators, to many of whom she was a arranger. We may speak of others of the company after we have a more favorable opportunity of judging of their merits. The performances of ‘"King's Infant Drum Corps."’ constituted a prominent feature of the night's entertainment, and took the audience by surprise. We are assured that valuable accessions to the dramatic company will be made at in early period.