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From Norfolk

surmises about the destination of the Federal fleet--a firing again heard — the mails between Richmond and Norfolk — heavy Railroad business — Norfolk Markets. &c.

[correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.]

Norfolk, Oct. 31, 1861.
The various reports that have been in circulation here since the departure of the Federal fleet from Hampton Roadstead no longer afford subjects for those who are anxious to get the latest news and eager to give currency to rumors. The ‘"grand armada"’ has fine weather for the great expedition, and may now be hundreds of miles distant on the Southern coast.

The in formation of an attempt to demolish some fortification, enter a port, and land troops, will very probably soon be transmitted with the rapidity of ‘"the lightning's wing."’ It is not improbable that powder will be wasted, a loud noise made, and a fuss generally will be raised somewhere, and that pretty soon. The Northern invaders will find again, to their cost, that the Southern people are hard to manage, and unconquerable on sea as well as on land, though the attempt to damage them materially may be made with all the pomposity and parade of a great fleet — with rifled guns, and thousands of men, well armed and equipped. I doubt not that, should they really attack any important place, we shall hear of Federal ships burned and sunk, of decks slippery with blood, of drowning men, and imploring Yankee prisoners. Notwithstanding they regard Norfolk and the Navy-Yard with a most covetous eye, and would gladly pass our fortifications if they could, and moor their ships in the deep river stream opposite our great naval depot, after throwing hot shot among the houses of our towns, they did not venture even an attack. With all their vast fleet and heavy guns, they have hurried away to some more Southern latitude, where they will encounter as determined a resistance, and be as roughly handled as they would be here, and as a few days will probably show.

I have not yet ascertained anything definitely about the firing on Tuesday and Wednesday in the direction of Newport News.--There are various reports about a fight on the Peninsula, and it is said by a reliable person that one hundred guns were distinctly heard yesterday on the Bay shore, the sound coming apparently across the Roads. From the direction of Magruder's batteries much has been said too, of a probable attack on Pig Point; but I regard these rumors as entirely with-out foundation.

Col. Mahone, the President of the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad, states in the Norfolk Day Book, of to-day, that the existing delay in the mails for Richmond is a matter in which the said road has had no agency, and that the correction of the evil is beyond its control — that the Post-Office Department have created the break in the mail connection, which now causes the detention of the mails hence for Richmond, &c., a night in Petersburg. If the P. O. Department will change the time of departure of the train from Petersburg from 4 to 4.30, a connection can be made, and the mails will go through on the day of their departure from this place.

A heavy business, by the way, is now done upon the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad, it being difficult to accommodate all the demands for transportation thereon.

A meeting of the friends of the States' Rights candidates for Congress in this Congressional District, was held yesterday in the Atlantic Hotel, and a harmonious consultation was held. All the candidates, excepting Col. John R. Chambliss, Sr, of Greensville, were withdrawn by their own request. The addresses on the occasion were appropriate and patriotic. Dr. A. R. Smith, of Portsmouth, was Chairman, and Capt. Wm. N. McKenney, of Norfolk, acted as Secretary.

No change of importance has taken place in our market.

Corn is still very scarce, and will so continue for about a month. Now will make its appearance here about the 1st of December. We quote the article at 60a65.

Shingles are rather dull now, prices ranging low for all kinds. We quote both heart and sap at $4.

Wheat remains as last reported. White 89a$1. Red 60a80.

Bacon very scarce, dull and high, prices ranging from 20 to 24, according to quality. Hams bring 24

N. O. SugarBrown 10a12 ½. Refined 13a16.

Coffee — Exceedingly scarce, and selling in small lots at 45a50.

Rice — In full supply at 4a4½c.

Lard — Very scarce. No. 1, 22

Apple Brandy--Scarce, and ranging from $1.50a$3, according to quality.

Whiskey — But little in market. Common $1a$1.25.

Butter — Scarce, and selling at 40

Bagging — Sells at 28

Rope — None for sale.

A flag of truce from old Point — list of Confederate prisoners released — probable postponement by the Lincolnites to attack Norfolk — the weather, &c., &c.

Norfolk, 1st Nov., 1861.
Yesterday afternoon a steamer went to Craney Island with a flag of truce from Old Point, having on board twenty paroled prisoners captured at Hatteras, and who have been at the Rip Raps for about a fortnight, having been prevented from leaving sooner on account of the fleet in the Roads. The following are the names of the prisoners and the companies to which they belong:

Janesbono' Guards.--Wilson D. Williams, Thomas J. Ferrall, J. M. Whitehurst, Smith Mercer.

Lenoir Branes--Logan Matts, Jas. A. Hines, W. B. Berton, John H. Jenkins.

Hamilton Guards.--Benj. Brown, Albert Coburn, Wm. Bland.

Hertford Light Infantry.--D. J. Williford, Jos. D. Barnes, Wm. A. Overton.

North-Carolina Defenders.--Miles Jones, John Berry, Mathias Sawyer.

Morris Guards.--Wm. Hassell.

Tar River Boys.--Wm. J. Clark.

Independent Grays.--Wm. A. Brady.

With regard to Norfolk, it seems the intention of the Federal authorities have postponed the attack here until the weather becomes colder. Possibly, like Dunmore, of revolutionary fame, they may wait until the first day of next year, for the purpose of having a grand jollification here on new year's day. Of course the Yankees, when they get ready to pass our batteries, come up into the harbor and shell the town, will be as humane and merciful as the above-named British here, after his ravings about the victory of the rebels at the Great Bridge, and swearing that he would hang the boy that brought to town the news of the defeat. Dunmore, by the way, having determined to drive out the inhabitants with his big guns, directed the women and children to leave, and on the 1st January, 1776, commenced a heavy cannonade upon the town, which being returned as vigorously as possible, and the town being set on fire and burned by the Virginians, Dunmore and his fleet, finding that they could not get quarters and provisions here, were compelled to go elsewhere.--Lincoln, Scott, &c., would no doubt regard this place and the Navy-Yard as a most invaluable acquisition, a prize scarcely to be estimated in dollars and dimes. Hampton having been burned, they would be delighted to quarter some of their Hessian troops in Norfolk, Portsmouth, and the neighborhood, who would be glad of a chance to gratify their animosity and revenge by destroying property in town and country, and to commit all kinds of rascally depredations upon the people. Fortunately, however, they will not be allowed to come; and anxious as they are to drive the people from their homes to make room for themselves, that dare not attempt an enterprise so hazardous and so certain to result in their own destruction.

The weather is getting cloudy again, and the wind has changed to the Northeast.--There are indications of a storm, which, it is hoped, will come in time, and be sufficiently violent to demolish the Federal fleet.

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