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Western Virginia.

A correspondent, writing from Fayette county, subsequent to the retreat of Rosencranz takes ground that the enemy ought be driven out of the Kanawha Valley this fall, and that our army ought to winter the Union counties of Kanawha, Maso Cabel and Putnam. The chalice from which Secessionists in Western Virginia have been forced to drink ought now to be-commended to the Unionists, cowardly Submissionist and . Abolitionists as they are. We do not presume to know anything of the future movements of our army; but we believe it is able to cope with any force that Rosencranz can bring into the field, and we should regret to hear of any retrograde step that would leave the true men of Fayette, Nicholas, Braxton, Raleigh and other counties already impoverished, to be trampled upon the cowardly wretches from Ohio and Indiana who disgrace the appellation of soldier there are difficulties in the way of the transportation of supplies before reaching the G aley, but difficulties like these have always been encountered by armies, yet have been overcome, and glorious victories followed. Should our leaders adopt ‘"on to the "’ as their watch word, we hay to believe that even now (though opportunity has been lost) they would on the banks of the Ohio and the ‘"Stars and Bars"’ in the face of the enemy on the farther shore.

A report was brought by p sengers las that a large body of valry from command had go in purs Rosener .

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