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A mother and daughter in an Unpleasant Predicament.

--An occurrence has recently come to light which shows that, notwithstanding the clang of arms, the vagaries of the God of Love are as mischievous as in the piping times of peace.

In a very fashionable street, not far from Union Square, there dwells a charming widow of thirty-six, with her no less charming daughter of seventeen. The widow had an abundance of this world's substance, and lived in luxurious style.

A few months since a young man attached to a foreign consulate was introduced to the family, and became a constant visitor. Becoming enamored of the daughter, he boldly confessed his attachment, and was considerably elated at finding his ardent feeling reciprocated. He made his intentions known to the widow, who consented, but would not hear of any marriage taking place for at least two years, alleging as an excuse for delay, that her daughter was, ‘"o'er too young to marry yet,"’

Things went on as usual; the young gentleman was of course a frequent visitor, and eventually a room was fitted up for his accommodation in the house. Within the last few weeks, however, the young lady imagined that she saw evidence of too great familiarity between her mother and her lover. Stolen glances of affection were exchanged, and secret meetings were of almost daily occurrence. Stung by the supposed perfidy of her lover, the young lady kept a strict watch upon the movement of the parties.

One evening this week, the lover, mother and daughter were sitting together, when the daughter pleaded an engagement, and asked to be excused for an hour. She left the house, but returned in ten minutes. Stepping softly to the parlor, she discovered that which left no doubt of the perfidy of both.

The scene which ensued can be better imagined than described. Nobly stifling her own feelings, the daughter insisted upon her mother's honor being vindicated, and yesterday morning the lover and mother were united in marriage. The daughter left the city, and is now living with her uncle, in Ulster, completely estranged from her mother, and thoroughly disgusted with the perfidy of mankind.--New York Express.

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