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Narrow escapes.

--In the late battle of Bull Run several of the soldiers in Col. Allen's Regiment made very narrow escapes. Mr. Richard B. Washington received some six or seven bullet holes through his clothes, without injury to his person. The same occurred with Mr. Geo. Flagg. A ball passed the shoulder of Mr. Samuel W. Wright, slightly tearing the cloth. These gentlemen are members of the Botts' Greys.

Mr. Joseph Vanvacter, of the Jefferson (Rowlan's) Guards, had his life saved by his porte- monnaie, a ball passing through his pants and lodging in the porte-monnaie.-- Charlestown Free-Press.

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Samuel W. Wright (1)
Richard B. Washington (1)
Joseph Vanvacter (1)
George Flagg (1)
J. W. Allen (1)
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