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The Programme.

--A gentleman of Nashville, Tenn., has received a letter of warning from one of the large cities of Eastern United States, of which the following is an extract:

Entrench and fortify all your cities, towns, and railroad depots. If the Federal troops are successful next time they will try to march right through the South, carrying everything before them. Look to your ports of entry, for they will try to open them against your wish to England and France. The South has no time to loose. The North is put forth extra exertions. They will have 300 guns, 200,000 men, large bodies of cavalry and mounted men. They also expect to perform great things on the Mississippi river. They will resort to all kinds of tricks in the next battle. McClellan is noted for cutting his way through and getting in the rear of his opponent. They talk of shooting all your officers. Let them dress in plain clothes. They talk of smoking the masked batteries out by firing the woods.

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