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Death of an Estimable young man,

--With unaffected regret we announce this morning the death of James. H. Gentry — a victim of that fell destroyer, consumption. He has gone down to the grave at an early stage of his existence; but his departure is not that of one without hope. He was a sincere believer in the truth of the Gospel — a Christian in whom there was no guile. His walk and conversation among his fellow-men was blameless. It is not flattery (now that he is insensible alike to the voice of praise or blame) to say that all who knew the deceased respected and loved him. For several years connected with this paper as clerk and book-keeper, by his upright conduct and gentlemanly demeanor he acquired the confidence and regard of all with whom he was brought into contact. For many months the prey of an insidious enemy, he was never heard to murmur, till at last, on a quiet Sabbath evening the golden bowl was broken, and his spirit returned to the God who gave it. Rest his soul in peace.

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