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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
from the old North State.

Hillsborg!, N. C., July 22, 1861.
Volunteering for the war still goes on among us in the Old North State. We have some ten regiments in Virginia, or in the vicinity, and our coast troops are anxious to quit their quiet posts and hie to the scene of war. We are all pleased to hear you compliment our regiments; by pronouncing them excellent and well equipped. You will observe that all our regiments are full ones, numbering 1,100 and over. So, in speaking of our twenty regiments in the field, you will understand it to mean over 20,000 men, suitably armed — whereas, in counting up Lincoln's forces, in many instances, a regiment is only about 900, which would give for twenty regiments only 18,000 men.

Two or more companies have been formed in this town and vicinity within the last few weeks, making about nine companies for Orange county, which is doing quite well, considering this was the headquarters of Cornwallis, whilst many were found in his times to side with the outside Government. But we apprehend things have changed. No Tories now, but every man, woman and child, ready for the fight.

We are likely to have more produce from this year's crop than we know what to do with, and with the scarcity of money prevailing, everything will sell very low. This will bear hard upon those in debt, provided creditors are disposed to press. Our Legislature enacted a Stay Law, in imitation of other States; but our late Convention failed to amend it to suit the people, and meantime the Supreme Court has repealed it by declaring it void. It seems that the Convention, though deluding the people with the idea that they had full powers to do and undo, yet meant it to refer mainly to military matters, that being at present the Higher Law. By this neglect, however, that body has raised the public feeling some what against them, and it is hoped that the conduct of creditors may be such as not to increase this spirit of resentment among the people. O.

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