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Important from New Mexico.

--The Galveston (Texas) News, of the 24th ult., has the following:

Capt. Wilcox, late of the Seventh infantry, U. S. A., and Capt. Claiborne, of the Mounted Rifles, from New Mexico, arrived here last evening via San Antonio, Capt.Wilcox is a brother of Hon. J. A. Wilcox, of San Antonio. He was assistant Adjutant-General of New Mexico until he received promotion to his company. He goes to Richmond. Captain Claiborne goes to Tennessee, his native State, to offer his sword to Gov. Harris.

These officers inform us that there are about 25,000 U. S. troops in New Mexico and Arizona, comprising the Mounted Rifles and the Fifth and Seventh infantry--all splendid troops. Three-fourths of them are disaffected; the best officers have resigned, or will resign; the men have from four to six months pay due them; they understand the question at issue between the North and the South, and not only will most of them refuse to serve against the South, but also to take the oath of allegiance to the Federal Government.

Lieut. Col. Camby, of the Tenth Infantry--a splendid officer — commands in New Mexico. He is from Southern Indiana, but it is not thought he is willing to fight against the South.

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