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War movements reported at Washington.

Washington, July 9.
--Col. Stone's command has joined that of Gen. Patterson, and all are pushing ahead.

Gen. Johnston's forces have evidently been reinforced.

There are many reports of battles having occurred, but there is no confirmation of such reports at the War Department here.

Gen. Patterson's communications with the War Department have been very irregularly received within the past sixty hours.

Much dissatisfaction, anxiety and intense interest are exhibited in regard to General Patterson's advance in to Virginia.

Gen. Beauregard has felled the forests around Manassas, and is guarding the approaches. It is believed here (in Washington,) that Gen. Beauregard is sending reinforcements to Gen. Johnston.

Gen. McClellan's forces are moving towards the Cumberland Gap.

The East Tennessee and Confederate troops are again entering the lines at Falls Church.

The Federal steamer Pocahontas is anchored off Mathias' Point.

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