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Very punctilious.

--The Pensacola correspondent of the Mobile Advertiser, in a letter dated July 2d, writes;

Gen. Bragg yesterday sent a note in charge of Assistance inspector General Slaughter with another officer, under a white flag, to Col. Brown, at Fort Pickens. They were met at the usual place of landing, and making known their mission, handed the note to the old Colonel, who with trembling hand adjusted his spectacles. Scanning the subscription-- ‘"To Col. Harvey Brown, commanding at Fort Pickens"’--he insultingly returned the paper, and without form or ceremony, left his guests, who, disgusted with his rudeness, returned it, unopened, to Gen. Bragg. What its contents were is not known, or at least publicly. Old Brown is very punctilious, and must be addressed as ‘"Colonel Harvey Brown, commanding Department of Florida."’ The old fellow puts on a good many airs about his ‘"department,"’ small as it is.

The Pensacola Observer asserts that Brown has got the itch, and is about to leave for Philadelphia.

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