Leesburg (Loudoun county)
is in possession of our troops. They have destroyed the trains of the Alexandria, Loudoun and Hampshire Railroad, to keep them from falling into the hands of the enemy.An American, named Edwin Robinson, has submitted to the Government of Yucatan plan for the construction of a railroad from Merida to Cindad Progreso.
Judge Thomas, of Mass. has been elected to the Washington Congress, to fill the Vacancy claused by the resignation of Chas. F. Adams, present Minister at the Court of St. James.
A. F. Albers. of Charleston, S. C., Was thrown from the tender of a locomotive on the Augusta Railroad a few days ago and instantly killed.
The Federal Government is ‘"seriously embarrassed"’ in consequence of Northern newspaper publications, and it is intimated that a censorship will be established.
It is now stated that Burlingame is appomted Minister to China.
The Zouaves at Alexandria claim to have delivered up a slave to his owner. We don't believe it.
The New York papers are spreading a story that a portion of Col. Blanton Duncan's Kentucky Regiment have hoisted the Stare and Stripes.
Some citizens of Dover, Delaware, have held a meeting and requested Senator Bayard to resign.
Lieut. Greble, killed at Bethel, was buried with great pomp in Philadelphia on the 14th. inst.