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The War feeling at New York — troops tendered to the Federal Government.

New York,April 16.
--The steamship Philadelphia is rapidly loading with guns and munitions, and may carry troops South. She is nearly ready for sea.

A meeting of citizens was held to-day, and arrangements were made for a public meeting to sustain the Government.

The Seventh and Eighth Regiments hold themselves in readiness for service. A number of volunteer companies will be formed.--Gen. Ward, of the Scott Life Guard, is expected to assist in the organization.

The Regiment of Col. Bennett, in Brooklyn, say they will support the Government to a man.

Orders have been received from Washington to fill up the Federal Regiments as speedily as possible. The recruiting offices are crowded with applicants.

The Second Regiment, of New Jersey, will tender their services to the Government.--About six hundred Wide Awakes, it is said, will do the same. It is stated that Gov. Alden, of New Jersey, will in a few days tender to the Federal authorities several thousand troops.

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