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Arrest and discharge of Prof. Anderson, the magician

--Assault upon His Accuser.-- Prof. Anderson, the magician, who is giving exhibitions in Albany, was arrested at Troy, a few days since, charged with committing an outrage upon a girl of fourteen--an apple vender. He was arrested without authority, by Constable McMulkin, and taken into custody. The story was started by a barber in Rand's Hall. The trial took place in the afternoon, and the magician and the girl testified apart. She told her story — having had no interview whatever with Prof. Anderson meantime — substantially to the effect that she visited Rand's Hall to sell her trinkets; she went up into Prof. A.'s room and requested him to purchase some of the articles, which he declined doing. She remained some time in his presence, when he asked her what she wanted. She then look out a subscription paper, which she was circulating for the purpose of raising money to buy her a sewing machine, and asked him to subscribe. This he did, and gave her a dollar, when she went away. The Professor in his conversation apart from the girl, detailed the circumstances of their interview identically the same as she had done, and the barber who alleged the charge, and the Constable who was so officious in arresting Mr. Anderson, being unable to state more than general allegations, Justice Landon promptly dismissed the Wizard, and intimated to him the right he possessed of causing the arrest of the officer on a charge of false imprisonment. Professor Anderson afterwards met the barber who had caused his arrest, and displayed his magic around the barber's face and eyes, giving him an unmerciful but not undeserved beating.

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