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Maryland State Convention.

--The Maryland State Convention has adjourned, subject to the call of the President, until the 12th of March, unless ‘"Virginia should take some definite action sooner than that date."’

The resolutions adopted by the Convention assert that a full and fair expression of the popular will is most likely to be had by a Convention called on the recommendation of the Governor, and that as it is now asserted that the Governor will, by proclamation, authorize such a movement, in the event of the failure upon the part of Congress and the Peace Conference to adopt any satisfactory plan of compromise, the Convention approves that purpose, and adjourns until the 12th of March to await the Governor's action; unless intermediately the State of Virginia shall secede, when the Convention is to be immediately re-assembled at the call of its President. If the Governor declines to call a ‘"Sovereign "’ Convention previous to the 12th proximo, then the Convention will at once recommend to the people to proceed to the election of delegates to such a Convention.

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