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Death of Mrs. Gore, the Novelist.

--Mrs. Gore died at Linwood, England, on the 23d ult., in the 63d year of her age. She began to write when she was twenty-four; her first novel, There as Marchmont, is said to have been written in a week; since then she has produced as many as sixty or seventy works, extending to nearly two hundred volumes.--Her facility in composition was almost equal to her fecundity; frequently she wrote a volume a month, and as many as three or four novels in a year. The most successful of her works were: ‘"The Diary of a Desunnuyee, "’ ‘"The Hamiltons,"’ ‘"Pin Money,"’ ‘"The Banker's Wife,"’ ‘"Peers and Parvenus,"’ ‘"Temptation and Atonement."’ Her last production was ‘"The Two Aristocracies."’ Within the last ten years her works have been in less demand. Mrs. Gore was the widow of Charles Arthur Gore, of 1st Life Guards; she was married to him in 1823. A son of hers, a young man of one or two and twenty, accompanied the Prince of Wales during his recent visit to Canada and this country.

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