Later from Europe.
Hostilities recommenced at Gaeta — Cotton unchanged — Breadstuffs Depressed.
The steamers North American and Kangaroo arrived out on the 26th.
The steamship Vigo had sailed for New York with £59,000 sterling in specie. The steamer New York would leave Southampton on the 24th.
Hostilities recommenced at Gaeta on the 22d by a heavy fire from the besieged, to which the Sardinians promptly replied.
Later advices from China represent all quiet there. The first instalment of the indemnity had been paid.
It was expected that the British 5 per cent. Indian loan of £3,000,000 would not be delayed beyond the 28th of January.
[second Dispatch.]
An influential meeting had been held in Manchester to devise measures relative to the cotton trade, resulting from anxiety consequent on the difficulties of the American Cotton States. Resolutions were passed for the formation of a Cotton Company, and recommending immediate operations.Several American vessels have taken out English registers to carry salt to South Carolina.
Extraordinary military and naval preparations are progressing in France. The excuse is the menacing attitude of Germany towards Denmark.
Commercial intelligence.
Liverpool, Jan. 24.--Manchester advices are unfavorable. There is but little inquiry, and prices are weak.Cotton — Sales of the week, 87,000 bales, including 29,000 bales taken by speculators and 17,000 bales for export. The market opened buoyant at an advance of ½d., which was subsequently lost, closing quiet but dull at last week's rates.
The sales on the day the steamer sailed were estimated at 8,000 bales, including 2,000 bales for speculation and export. The market closed quiet at the following prices:
Fair New Orleans 8d.; middling do. 7 ½d.; fair Mobiles 7 ½d.; middling do. 6 ½d. fair Uplands 7 ½d.; middling 6 ½d.
Stock in port 595,000 bales, including 432,000 bales American.
Breadstuffs.--Breadstuffs generally quoted very dull. Flour is dull and 6d, lower. Extra Western 29s. 6d. Wheat is dull, but prices steady. Corn is dull and all qualities slightly declined, the market closing at slightly lower prices and holders pressing on the market; mixed Corn 37s.
The market generally is quiet.
Provisions.--Beef and Pork are dull. Bacon is quiet and Lard is steady at 588. @ 60s. Tallow closed quiet, but steady.
James Hewitt & Co. say prices have declined ½, but that holders decline to concede.
Produce.--Sugar is steady. Coffee is dull. Rice is steady — new South Carolina 23s. 6d. Pot Ashes steady at 29s. 6d. Pearl Ashes steady at 30s. Rosin firm. Spirits Turpentine firm at 31s.@32s.
London Markets.--Wheat has a declining tendency, and all qualities have slightly declined.--Sugar is steady. Coffee is firm. Tea is generally unchanged. Rice is quiet.
Tallow closed quiet but steady at 60s. Linseed Oil is firm at 28s. 6d.
The money market is generally unchanged.--Consels 91 ½@91 ½.