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Garibaldi at home.

At Caprera, in Garibaldi's house, at break to day all are astir, and every one preparing himself for his own occupation, so that on the little side facing the house you see on one side Com'd — sharpening a knife, on the other, F — mending a spade; Menotti, his son, trying a musket; B--, who with a needle mends nets; G — selecting the seeds; and, inside the house, the daughter's good governess preparing some coffee for these working people. Then each goes about his business--one to the direction of the plow, another to the plantation of the vine, which is to be tried; some devoting themselves to fishing, others to the chase, and the General to survey all, to direct all, selecting the best agricultural systems that his mind suggests to him. Towards midday a slight and sober collation, where seated around an old walnut table, ‘"belonging to a drawing or entrance-room,"’ they narrate to each other their campestral feats, interspersed by relations of war episodes, military adventures and a hundred other things, which render that familiar intercourse so exquisitely agreeable. Then, the daughter, d' l' impromptu, makes the house resound with the accords of an excellent piano (sole luxurious article of furniture he possesses at Caprera,) and begins playing the allegro, ‘"Daglirid, avanti un passo,"’ followed by that here prohibited, ‘"va fuori d' Italia"’--hymns which recall so much grief, and so many national joys. After breakfast, each resumes his occupation again, to meet at the frugal evening dinner, where certainly no one envies the regal repast shared in gilded saloons. At night, after a short walk, the Dictator retires to his own little room, and there, alone with his thoughts, meditates on the future destiny of Italy. Government sent to Maddalena for the Dictator's disposal the National steamer Washington--the same that so greatly assisted at the disembarkation on terra firma. Garibaldi, however, gratified at such empressement, would not allow that the States should suffer an expenditure which he thought unnecessary, and nobly refused the offer.--Last week he, with various friends, went to the Sardinian coast to hunt. Hardly was Garibaldi's arrival known, than a thousand fires shone on the surrounding hill-summits, and multitudes of mountaineers hastened from every part. Among those villagers he spent a happy day.

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