The National Crisis.
The Contemplated Attack on Fort Sumter--Meeting of Working Men in Virginia and elsewhere --Particulars of the Secession of Louisiana--Removal of Women and Children from Fort Sumter --Important Letter from Major Anderson. &c., &c.The Contemplated Attack on Fort Sumter.
The Charleston correspondent of the Baltimore American, heretofore very reliable in his statements, gives the following:
‘ As time elapses the soldiers and citizens of Charleston, old and young, women and children, bond and free, all, become more and more eager. If it costs blood, so much the better, the price will be dearer and the object secured will be the more highly prized.
"What is the Governor about? why delay when our honor is at stake?" cry out the masses. "We fly to arms when called; we endure the vigors of an unusually hard winter; we guard sand hills and cold iron guns; we expose ourselves needlessly. Give us battle, but don't suffer us to waste time in this manner.
But in the matter of Fort Sumter I no longer have doubt, though it may not be wise or prudent for me to give my reasons, notwithstanding I consider that I have full authority to do so. Yesterday quite an unusual scene occurred in the Senate Chamber, which, with others in the lobby. I had the felicity of witnessing. The subject matter under consideration was an appropriation of $950,000 for military contingencies. One of the Senators whose name figures pretty extensively in the prints of the city each morning, having probably suffered himself to be led away by the ardor of some young soldier, rose in his seat and violently opposed the appropriation. He would not vote for any money for war. There was no use in it. He saw no hope of taking Fort Sumter. He saw no hope of South Carolina ever assuming her independence in fact, as she had in name. There was a large party he thought in the State disposed to allow the usurp of State to be dismantled and submerged, and he was not disposed to tax the people for raising so immense a sum when the State was not prepared to carry out her Ordinance of Secession. The people were led off with a wrong idea, and unless we had some assurance that this money was to be properly applied — applied to the taking of Sumter — it was no use to raise it. He wound' up by impugning the government with weakness.
Hon. A. C. Garlington, a member of Gov. Pickens' Cabinet, replied. He expressed himself exceedingly sorry that any such sentiments as he had heard were ever uttered upon the floor of the Senate of South Carolina.--He was astonished and indignant that any gentlemen who professed to be a Carolinian should ever believe that when his State had ordained an act, that she should ever recede from it. Not prepared to consummate — to carry out the Ordinance of Secession! Making no effort to do it! What meant this arming of the people? Not prepare to carry out the ordinance, when batteries and fortifications were going up on every hand, and when from every corner of the State every man was buckling on his armor? Preposterous!
‘"Let me tell the gentleman,"’ continued he in a solemn voice of deep assurance, ‘"Fort Sumter must fall — yes, sir, it must fall"’ This is the deliberate purpose of South Carolina.--It must fall. [Great sensation.] This I utter in full consciousness of what I say, and I hope the announcement may go to the world." Having no other way of getting it to the world, and desiring to favor the wishes of the gentleman. I am disposed to trust the matter with you to execute the desire.
Mr. Garlington further declared that every preparation was being made for all contingencies that may arise --that a corps of engineers were at this time considering the subject of taking the fort.
Both the gentlemen were much heated with the subject they discussed. Mr. Garlington, however, represented the sentiments of every Senator on the floor except his opponent, who was the only man of all the Senate that voted against the appropriation. The voice of the Senate was unanimously indignant at the imputations of the fiery, ill-judged attack.
Among the youthful volunteers flocking in to fight the battles of South Carolina, are three students, just arrived from St. Timothy's Hall, Catonsville, near Baltimore.--Their names are Wm. H. Anthony and Jacob Higgs, of North Carolina, and W. C. Baynard, of South Carolina. They have entered the service of the Republic in the ranks of the Palmetto Guard, and are now at Morris' Island, prepared to do and die, if necessary, in the maintenance of the sovereignty of the State. Their military efficiency is testified to by the members of the company, who declare that they handle cannon with the efficiency of veterans. The training they have received at Catonsville, under Mr. Van Bokkelin, renders them of great service, as artillerymen are in great demand.
’ Removal of the Women and Children.
The following note from Capt. Doubleday was received from Fort Sumter on the 21st, by Mr. H. Missroon, the agent of the New York steamship line:
Fort Sumter, S. C., Jan. 20, 1861.
Major Anderson desires to send the women and children of this garrison to New York.
I am directed by him to ask upon what terms you will transport in the steamer 17 women, 12 children under 10 years of age, 11 infants under 2 years of age.
It would be desirable that they should go either in the next trip of the boat or the one following.
The terms were arranged, and the women and children will all leave by the steamer Columbia, which sails to-morrow for New York — and thus Major Anderson will have forty months less to feed, and the women and children will be out of harm's way.
Important letter from Major Anderson.
The Cincinnati Commercial, of Saturday, contains the following letter from Major Anderson, written to a friend in that city two days after the affair of the "Star of the West." It embodies the first authentic intelligence that has reached the public concerning the reasons for the fact that the batteries of Fort Sumter were not opened upon the South Carolinians on the 9th inst:
Fort Sumter, Jan. 11th, 1861.
‘"Whether a bloodless separation can now be effected, after her (South Carolina) foolishly firing upon a vessel bearing our flag, the other day, I think very doubtful.
I was sorely tempted to open my battery, but perhaps fortunately, for the chance of having matters settled without bloodshed, I could not have touched the battery that opened upon her and my defences were just then in such a condition that I could not have opened the war. I am now nearly ready.
The people have supposed that this work was ready to be defended when I came in. It was far from it — and it would take me, even now, one week's hard work to have it in a complete state.
My command is only about one-eighth of what it should be in time of war — but though small in number.
I feel strong in the confidence that Providence win guard and guide me safely through any danger that may threaten."’
A meeting of the Working Men of Romney, Va.
The working men of Romney, Hampshire county, Va., held a large public meeting at that place on Saturday, the 19th inst., and adopted with marked unanimity a series of resolutions reported by a committee appointed for that purpose, and which declared, in effect, that those assembled on the occasion Cherish the Federal Union as the Palladium of our liberty, when the laws of the Constitution, and those enacted by Congress in accordance therewith, are promptly, efficiently and justly executed by all the parties concerned; and will deplore the dissolution of State Union as one of the most terrible calamities that can possibly befall us as a nation, or United States; yet, whilst they would avoid so Careful a consequence, they are unwilling to make any concession to the North inconsistent with the rights and interests of the South.--The resolutions pronounce untrue the statements of the Free-Soil press of the North, that the non-slaveholders of the South are disaffected towards the institution of slavery; and fully endorsing the Crittenden compromise, pledge the lives and fortunes of those composing the meeting to the defence of Virginia, should all peaceable measures of adjustment be exhausted.Meeting of Working Men in Philadelphia.
A dispatch from Philadelphia says that though there was a deep snow in that city Saturday night, a mass meeting of working men was held in Independence Square. The dispatch says:
‘ Some five or six thousand working men are standing ankle deep in snow, listening to speeches from their representatives. The employees of all the large manufacturing establishments in the county marched to the place of meeting, bearing torches, banners, and lanterns, and accompanied by bands of music.--The mottoes inscribed on the banners are mostly suggestive of peace and conciliation for the nation's difficulties, and expressive of approbation of the Crittenden compromise. A series of resolutions, Lamenting the present national troubles which have been inaugurated and hastened by political demagogues; recommending a repeal, by the State Legislature, of all obnoxious laws; recommending Congress to pass the Crittenden compromise or some other measure like it, and submit it to the people, and that in case the present Congress shall find itself unable to agree upon any such terms of compromise, then that the members of Congress resign their seats that they may be filled with competent representatives of the popular will.
The resolutions also deprecate any collision between the forces of the General Government and the seceding States, as such a calamity will strike a death blow to all hopes of settlement, but pledge the working men to sustain the Federal Government in the maintenance of its powers.
The resolutions also provide for the appointment of Delegates to the National Convention of Working Men, which is to meet at Philadelphia on the 22d of February, and invite the Committee of Thirty-Three to be present.
The resolutions were unanimously adopted.
’ Meeting of Resident Southerners in New York.
A meeting of the Southerners resident in New York was held the Thursday, over which James L. Poindexter presided. Among the resolutions adopted was one endorsing the Crittenden propositions and the following:
‘ Resolved, That we, the sons of the South, implore our fellow-citizens at home to pause, and before severing the holy bonds of Union to deliberate upon the true feeling of their fellow-countrymen in this section.
Resolved, That the possession of slave property is a constitutional right, and as such ought to be ever recognized by the Federal Government, in whose hands it may ever fall. And if the government shall ever refuse to protect their rights, the Southern States should be found united in their defence.
Resolved, That we have every confidence that the great majority of the Northern people, when freed from the influence of demagogues, will gladly agree to such terms as will secure to all States equal rights in the Union.
Resolved, That we heartily endorse the action of the President of the United States in his noble efforts to avoid thrusting our now distracted country into the horrors of civil war.
Resolved, That in our opinion the hasty and unwarrantable action of Gen. Sandford, in tendering his division to the Governor for coercive purposes, is not alone out of place, but in direct opposition to the wishes of the entire city-deeming, as we do, that selfish motives only prompted him to adopt such a course.
’ Taking of the Arsenal at Apalachicola.
The Jacksonville (Fla.) Confederacy has the following account of the capture of this fort:
‘ At about 7 o'clock on the morning of the 6th inst., the arsenal at Apalachicola, at the mouth of the Chattahoochee river, was besieged by the troops of the State of Florida. In consequence of the weakness of the command, an entrance was gained. Mr. Powell, who has been in the service of the United States since 1840, and had command of the place, acted in a gallant manner. After the troops had entered he faced the line and thus addressed them:
‘"Officers and Soldiers:--Five minutes ago I was the commander of this arsenal; but, in consequence of the weakness of my command, I am obliged to surrender — an act which I have hitherto never had to do during my whole military career. If I had force equal to, or even half the strength of your own, I'll be damned if you would ever have entered that gate until you walked over my dead body. You see that I have but three men. These are laborers, and cannot contend against you. I now consider myself a prisoner of war.--Take my sword, Capt. Jones!"’
Captain Jones, of the Young Guard, of Quincy, received Mr. Powell's sword, and then returned it to him, and addressed him as follows: ‘"My dear sir, take your sword; you are too brave a man to disarm."’ The whole command then gave three cheers for the gallant Powell.
Mr. Powell is now making arrangements to turn over to the Federal Government the funds and papers in his possession belonging to Uncle Sam Mr. Powell is an officer of ability and experience. He has seen actual service in Mexico, and has received more than one wound while valiantly contending for the honor of the stars and stripes.
’ ‘"I will not Fire A Gun on my Countrymen."’
Com. Armstrong, who had command of the Pensacola (Fla.) Navy-Yard, when a superior force took it from him, passed through Mobile on his way to Washington. The Advertiser says:
‘ During his sojourn in the city the gallant old Commodore, the man who said, ‘":I will not fire a gun upon my countrymen,"’ as well as his company, was the recipient of every act of politeness and honor which could be tendered him by the citizens and military. He was waited upon by prominent gentlemen of the city, and the "Washington Light Infantry" turned out in a splashing storm of rain, with a full band, as a special escort to the Montgomery steamer. With a nice sense of duty to the Government he had served so long, and from which he still held a commission, the old Commodore, however, declined the honor intended, though expressing his full appreciation and feeling acknowledgments.--He could not prevent, though, another honor which the people paid him, nolens volens, for as he embarked on the steamer in the presence of an immense crowd, a piece of artillery, which had been taken down to the wharf for the purpose, with its brazen throat proclaimed the respect and esteem in which he is held by the South, in a thundering salute.--All honor to the man who said, ‘"I will not fire a gun upon my countrymen,"’ and surrendered his post and braved the censure of his Government and the abuse of the whole North rather than do it.
’ the Seizure of the Georgia Muskets at New York.
The following dispatches have passed between Senator Toombs, of Georgia, and His Honor Mayor Wood, relative to the seizure of arms by the police on last Tuesday:
Is it true that any arms intended for and consigned to the State of Georgia have been seized by public authorities in New York? Your answer is important to us and to New York. Answer at once.
To which the Mayor returned the following answer:
Hon. Robert Toombs, Milledgeville, Ga. In reply to your dispatch, I regret to say that arms intended for and consigned to the State of Georgia have been seized by the police of this State, but the city of New York should in no way be made responsible for the outrage.
As Mayor, I have no authority over the police. If I had the power I should summarily punish the authors of this illegal and unjustifiable seizure of private property.
Further particulars of the Secession of
John Perkins addressed the Convention on the passage of the Secession Ordinance.
The debate closed, and a vote was ordered.
The galleries and lobbies were intensely crowded, and a deathlike silence prevailed.--On the call of the roll many members were in tears.
The Clerk announced the vote — ayes 113, nays 17--and the President declared Louisiana a free and sovereign republic.
Capt. Allen then entered the Convention with a Pelican flag, accompanied by Governor Moore and staff, and put the flag in the hands of the President, amid tremendous excitement.
A solemn prayer was then offered, and a hundred guns were fired.
The Convention adjourned to meet in New Orleans on the 29th inst.
Before the Convention adjourned the resolution accompanying the ordinance, declaring the right of free navigation of the Mississippi river and tributaries to all friendly States, and the right of egress and ingress to boats of the Mississippi by all friendly States and Powers, passed unanimously.
A gold pen was given each member with which to sign the Ordinance of Secession.
Items from Georgia.
Col. Ed. C. Anderson has been appointed Ordinance officer in chief of the State of Georgia. The Columbus (Ga.) Enquirer has the following paragraph:
‘ Joe Clark, a colored barber of this city, has written a letter to Gov. Brown, offering to raise a company of free colored men, to be enlisted in the service of the State of Georgia in the present crisis. Whatever may be thought of the policy of enlisting soldiers of this cast, the offer is a patriotic one, and ought to show the "philanthropists" of the North that the free colored population of the South do not appreciate their efforts in behalf of the negro race. Joe served in the Indian war of 1836, and still limps occasionally from a wound received in that campaign.
’ The Savannah News, of the 26th instant, mentions this rumor:
‘ While in Milledgeville, we heard a report that a mysterious craft had been seen cruising among the inlets of our Southern coast, in the neighborhood of Cumberland Island, and, further, that two men had been captured and lodged in jail at Enterprise, Fla., who were supposed to be the notorious Redpath and John Brown, Jr. We could not trace the report to its source, though taken in connection with the fact that those characters are rumored to have sailed recently from Boston in some secret expedition, there could seem to be a strong probability of its truth. Two more infamous wretches are not to be found in the ranks of the murderous incendiary crew to which they belong, and it is to be hoped, if they are indeed caught, that they will not be permitted to escape. Redpath, the worst of the two, can easily be identified, as he is known in this city, once having been employed as a phonographic reporter in this office. At the time he professed ultra pro-slavery opinions, though we strongly suspected him and are now confident that he was here as an Abolition emissary and spy.
’ Fort Morgan.
The Mobile papers give accounts of the continued preparations of the forts in that State for an attack. Of Fort Morgan, one of the editors returned from a visit there, says:
‘ Marks of industry and system were visible everywhere about the fort, which is now occupied by about 480 troops, besides upwards of 150 laborers. To accommodate this increased force, a suitable number of the casemates have been planked up and converted into very comfortable quarters. The ramparts on the channel side have been sodded to a considerable extent with sand bags, and the work will be completed in the same style. Sods have been cut from the fosse to be applied to other faces of the works. Trenches have been cut at the foot of the scarp in necessary places, which have filled with the water percolating through the soil, thus converting the fosse into something like a wet ditch, and adding to the security of the works. All the guns for which there are carriages have been mounted, and some attention has been paid to artillery practice, in which the boys show increased proficiency. The garrison are in excellent spirits, and good health prevails, except that most of the newly arrived troops have to go through a course of seasoning which generally attacks them after the first twenty-four hours and leaves them after about the same length of time. The cisterns, by-the-bye, have been thoroughly cleansed, and the rains have since filled them with excellent water, and the health of the garrison has greatly improved in consequence. Tenders of the services of negro laborers by planters in the interior have been accepted, and some four hundred hands are expected to arrive in a few days.
’ Fortifications in Florida.
The Jacksonville (Fla.) Mirror, of the 19th inst., says:
‘ Capt. Holmes Steele, with a detachment of his gallant company, proceeded to St. Augustine a few days ago, and have succeeded in transporting four 32-pounders from the fort at that place to the mouth of the St. Johns, to be placed in position to command the entrance of the river, and one 10-pounder, to be placed at some point upon the river between the mouth and Jacksonville. Those guns were transported by teams upon timber carts under an escort of fifteen men. The volunteers, with a large negro force, are throwing up earth-works and excavating ditches for the defence of their position.
’ Seizure of the New Orleans Marine Hospital by Louisiana troops.
Washington, Jan. 26.--Information was received by the Government this morning, from the Collector at New Orleans, stating that the barracks, about two miles below New Orleans, now occupied as a Marine Hospital, were taken possession of on the 11th instant, by Captain Bradford, of the State Infantry, in the name of the State of Louisiana.
There were two hundred and sixteen invalids and convalescent patients in the hospital at the time it was seized. The Collector of Customs was required to immediately remove the patients who were convalescent, and those who were confined to their beds as soon as practicable. The reason assigned for this transaction is, that the authorities there wanted the quarters for their own troops.
the Cruise of the Brooklyn off Charleston.
The Boston Journal, of Friday, publishes the following extract from a private letter, received in that city from Capt. W. S. Walker, of the U. S. sloop-of-war Brooklyn. It is interesting, as throwing some light upon the motive of her recent cruise off Charleston harbor. He writes as follows:
‘ "Although my mission to Charleston was a peaceful one, there would have been a fight, sure, had I arrived there at the time the Star of the West was fired upon. My instructions from the Department were sent by a special messenger, and were confidential, enclosing orders from Gen. Scott to the commander of the detachment for Fort Sumter. I am not at liberty to tell you what my orders were; suffice it to say, they were carried out to the letter. I am for the Union, and my services will be devoted to it. It is very gratifying for me to know that I shall be sustained, and that I have the approbation of our people."
’ Washington Dispatches.
The Government has obtained the temporary use of lots upon Capitol Hill, east of the Capitol, for the purpose of erecting quarters for the company of cavalry from West Point, which was ordered to this city to act in the capacity of light artillery.
This is but two squares from the scene of the inaugural ceremonies.
Ten thousand copies of Clemens' patriotic speech have been taken for circulation in Maryland, seventy-five thousand in the South, and fifteen thousand in the Northern States. More than one hundred thousand copies have been subscribed for already.
The following letter expresses the spirit which now animates some of the branches of the public service:
Post-Office Department,
Horatio King.
First Assistant Postmaster General.
John C. Noble, Esq., Paducah, Ky.
As a rejoinder to the manifesto of a majority of the Virginia delegation, Senators Crittenden and Douglas, and Messrs. Malison, Boteler and Harris, of Virginia, of the House, have united in a letter to Hon. James Barbour, of the Virginia Legislature, giving assurance that the prospect of a peaceful and satisfactory settlement of troubles is better than at any previous time, and hourly brightening.