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Circulation of the Dispatch.

We would not refer so soon again to the rapidly increasing circulation of this paper, but that it is a phenomenon in the history of the Southern press that may be interesting to the public. Recent large accessions in and out of town have run up the aggregate to Ten thousand Daily. This greatly exceeds any circulation ever attained by any paper published in the South. Of the Semi-Weekly Dispatch we now issue twenty-five hundred, and of the Weekly six thousand.--so that the three issues foot up as follows:

Daily Dispatch10,000
Semi-Weekly Dispatch2,500
Weekly Dispatch6,000

A little over ten years ago, when the Dispatch was first started, its founder would have gladly compromised for a daily circulation of two thousand. It is now five times that amount, and steadily increasing. Such is the burthen upon our presses of these heavy editions, that we are compelled to think seriously of increasing the power and speed in the press-room, with a new machine of the most improved description. Thus we see that growing lists and increasing prosperity bring fresh troubles and heavy expenditures along with them. We shall continue to strive to make the Dispatch worthy its wide-spread support, and in no event shall our means of supplying the demand for it fall below the demand itself.

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