
The National crisis.

seizure of Another Fort in North Carolina--a Sunday at the batteries — Military dress of the South Carolinians — rejoicing in Georgia--Hon. Sherrard Clemens' speech, &c., &c.

Seizure of Another Fort in North Carolina.

It has already been stated that Governor Ellis, of North Carolina, had directed Forts Caswell and Johnson, which had been seized by citizens of that State, to be returned into the custody of the Federal Government.--This fact does not seem to have ended the seizures. A correspondent of the Petersburg Express, writing from Washington, N. C., on the 21st, says:

‘ The citizens of our town were much aroused yesterday morning on hearing of the seizure of Fort Neil, near our place. On Saturday night, a number of our enterprising young men left this place to seize Fort Neil, which they did, and hoisted the Palmetto flag over it. Fort Neil is a small, but strong little fort, lying on Pamlico river, between this place and Pamlico Sound. While I write great excitement exists in Washington.

A Sunday at the batteries.

A correspondent of the Charleston Mercury, writing from the batteries at Morris' Island, thus describes a Sunday:

‘ On Sunday, January 29th, (as has been his custom since the commencement of our struggle,) the Chaplain went down to Fort Morris to preach to his company, the Washington Light Infantry. Reaching their quarters about half-past 3 P. M., he was warmly greeted by them. In a short time the piazza of the house, and some of the rooms, were cleared, a rough pulpit arranged for the minister, and an invitation sent to the Carolina Light Infantry and Citadel Cadets, whose camps were near, to unite in worship, (the other companies were too remote--two or three miles,) which was promptly responded to by those companies and the Staff Officers of the regiment not on duty.--A large congregation soon assembled — a more serious, respectful, thoughtful one, I have never seen. The exercises were commenced with the beautiful and impressive service of the Episcopal Church; suddenly there appeared a number of prayer books, showing that our soldiers are not only armed with carnal weapons, but also with spiritual ones.--Could Major Anderson have witnessed the sight, I think it would have struck him with more astonishment than all our masked batteries, he would have realized that such men have not gone out as an idle frolic, but with the stern determination to do or die. The solemn, earnest responses that fell from the lips of those armed men would have been more startling than the booming cannon or bursting shell.

The text selected was "God is love," from which the Chaplain delivered a most beautiful and solemn sermon, listened to with the most devout attention. He portrayed, in thrilling language, the deep, full, unwavering, inexhaustible love of God to his creatures, and urged them, by that love, to forsake every sinful way, and walk as his dear children; especially did he plead with them, in earnest tones, that I know sank deep into every heart, to avoid, for the love of God, that habit, so easily contracted by the young, of taking God's holy name in vain. I am sure every one who heard his stirring words will not soon forget them, but when the great book is opened at the last day, and the secrets of all hearts revealed, in some will be found the record of that hour.

The singing was conducted by a hastily formed choir of the Washington Light Infantry, whose earnest efforts contributed largely to the influence of the occasion. Every voice and every heart united in singing that beautiful hymn commencing, ‘"While Thee I seek, Protecting Power;"’ and the strains of lofty cheer floated over that barren ocean isle, it seemed to illume its desert sand, making it a highway of our God; its distant echoes mingling with the majestic roar of the ocean wave, ascended as a sweat orison, to our Father and our God. The earnest prayer for aid, to our all-powerful Friend, for our beloved State in this her hour of trial, and we believe, also, of glory, and the solemn benediction, closed the service.

Military dress of the South Carolinians.

The Charleston correspondent of the Baltimore American gives the following description of military uniforms in use there:

‘ The appearance of the militia of the Republic is quite prepossessing, though, like all militia, the variety of uniform adopted by the different companies would mar the general effect on review. For the most part, however, there is some attempt at uniformity in dress. This is rendered necessary by the quality and texture of cloth from which the clothing is made. Grey is the predominant color. The cloth is manufactured chiefly in North Carolina and Georgia, while some of it is imported from England direct. The material is generally serviceable and warm, and, affording no glaring or marked appearance, is particularly adapted to warfare. In clothing the men for service the gaudy tinsel and finery of the peaceful volunteer is left behind for quieter times. As yet the State has ordered the observance of no uniformity in the dress of her warriors.--The chief officers, nevertheless, have adopted a kind of undress uniform that is simple, neat and tasteful. I notice the Brigadier General and the members of his staff at times on the street with blue-black cloth frock coats, silver-washed Palmetto buttons, and a Palmetto tree worked upon the shoulders within a parallelogram of silver cord. The fatigue cap adopted is of the same cloth as the coat. Its shape is of the "rakish" wide-awake style so much in vogue with all our military companies; still the hat is rendered peculiarly South Carolinian by the inevitable Palmetto worked with silver upon the front. the cap is otherwise trimmed with silver cord.

The dress of the aids of his Excellency Gov. Pickens, is substantially the same in style as that of the strictly military men, though it is much more tasty. The coat is trimmed with gilt buttons and bullion Palmetto decorations on the shoulders.

Supplement to Mr. Clemens' speech in Congress.

The speech of Mr. Sherrard Clemens in the House Tuesday, and the remarks of Mr. Martin, of Va., have been noticed. On Wednesday the following took place in the House:

Mr. Clemens, of Virginia, rising to a personal explanation, said by reference to the Congressional Globe it appeared that his colleague (Mr. Martin,) expressed a wish that he (Mr. Clemens) should be allowed to go on with his speech — his "traitorous remarks. " He understood his colleague made some other remarks, but they did not reach his ear. It was now for him to say, first as at last, that he took the position he did, in this exigency of the country, after deliberation, and an expectation that he would meet with personal defamation. If, therefore, his colleague threw out the remark with a view of giving offence to him he pardoned him, for the reason at this very time he was laboring under physical infirmity and from a reeking wound received in a personal rencontre. If his colleague had a compound fracture of the thighbone, and been suffering for two years and a half in consequence, he would find a bullet not a comfortable sensation. [Laughter.] He did not desire to place himself in a position to be represented by "Punch" or "Vanity Fair," as leaning on a crutch with one hand while he held a pistol in the other. [Laughter.]

Mr. Hindman reminded the gentleman that Mr. Martin was not present in the House.

Mr. Clemens was not aware of that, but he had said nothing offensive.

Mr. Hindman hoped the gentleman did not understand him as intimating that he [Mr. Clemens] had cast any imputation on his colleague.

Mr. Clemens replied not at all, and added, in conclusion, he could conceive of men who would be unknown in this or any other Congress had they not, through the interposition of Providence, been elevated to a position they would not otherwise hold.

From Charleston.

The Charleston papers of Wednesday furnish the following items:

‘ We learn with regret that the Senate has rejected from the "Appropriation Bill " the appropriation recommended by both the House and the Senate for dredging the harbor. We think this is not doing justice to our city.

The main ship channel is now closed by the sinking of five vessels, in order to prevent the entrance of hostile armed vessels; and, to refuse Charleston an appropriation, which was agreed upon at Columbia by both branches of the Legislature, and at a time when, if a peaceable settlement of our affairs is vouchsafed us, we shall need this amount most, to render one channel at least accessible for large vessels, is doing our principal seaport great injustice. We trust their action will be reconsidered.

Four thousand stand of arms will go South by the Savannah train this morning. They are from the Arsenal in this city, and are intended for the State of Florida.

W. Hampton Gibbes, late Second lieutenant in the army of South Carolina, has resigned.

Rejoicings in Georgia.

The signing of the Ordinance of Secession of Georgia was celebrated in Augusta, Monday night. The Constitutionalist says:

‘ Broad street, between the markets, was radiant with light, and transparencies, varying with the taste of their enthusiastic projectors, lent variety to the beautiful scene. Nearly every pane of glass in the fronts of stores or private residences was illuminated, and the myriads of star-like tapers produced a soft, golden light, possessing an attraction peculiarly its own. The streets were alive with such a crowd as we had no idea could be found in Augusta, and, as far as we could see, up and down our wide, beautiful, business street, extended the ebbing and flowing tide of humanity. Just such a crowd will not perhaps be seen again in this generation; for the blacks, in blessed ignorance that all this fuss is about them, entered into the rejoicing, and almost forgot that the whites have the best right to the sidewalk.

’ Fire companies, with blazing torches and decorated engines, wended their way slowly through the throng. Young and old participated alike, and by the omnipresent light, we recognized many a fair lady, much better used to the drawing-room than the jolting of an excited crowd. As for the children, they forgot to get sleepy. All the streets, lower Broad, Greene and others, were bright with frequently occurring illuminated mansions, and there were scores who showed their sympathy with secession on a smaller scale. The fine effect of the four hundred guns fired, was doubled by the rapidity of the fire. One hundred guns in six minutes is pretty good for four pieces and a citizen company. The Union is gone; we have buried it out of our sight, and fired cannon over its grave. Let its tomb be marked with the simple inscription: Hic Jacet--The Past.

The South Carolina Secretary of State.

Col. C. G. Memminger, the Secretary of State in the South Carolina Cabinet, is a German, born at Wirtemberg, Jan. 7, 1803. He was brought to this country when a child, and at the age of nine years, both parents having died, he became an inmate of the Orphan Asylum at Charleston. He was adopted into the family of Governor Thomas Bennett, by whom he was educated in the South Carolina College, graduating in 1820. He commenced the practice of the law in Charleston in 1825. During the nullification conflict of 1832-40, he was a leader of the Union party, and author of "The Book of Nullification" --a work satirizing the advocates of the doctrine of nullification in biblical style. He has filled various offices of public trust in South Carolina, up to this time. For nearly twenty years he was at the head of the Finance Committee of the Lower House of the Legislature, from which he retired in 1852.

The batteries on the Mississippi.

The Louisville Journal is informed by a highly respectable Kentuckian direct from Vicksburg, that the object of the batteries erected at that point by the State authorities of Mississippi is to obtain possession of the steamer Silver Wave, from Pittsburg, upon which it was said that United States ordnance was to be transported to the South; and probably to prevent the passage of Federal troops. The same informant says that three of the military companies of Mississippi were in charge of the battery, and they withdrew it from the shore on Tuesday last and seized the United States Hospital, which they are now occupying.

Washington dispatches.

An affecting parting took place to-day between the President and Senator Fitzpatrick. The former said: ‘"Governor, the current of events warns me that we shall never meet again on this side the grave. I have tried to do my duty to both sections, and have displeased both. I feel isolated in the world."’

Mr. Buchanan had an interview with some old personal friends from Pennsylvania, yesterday, and, in the course of the conversation, assured them that nothing should be done during his term of office towards breaking up or interrupting the Federal Government, which it is in his power to prevent, even if the whole force of the Government has to be brought to bear upon it; nor will he recede from or change his present policy.

Great rejoicing is manifested by the Union men in this city that a commission is about to be appointed by Pennsylvania to meet the Virginia Commissioners in this city, and that ex-Governor Packer has consented to act as one. Before this commission starts for Washington, it is absolutely essential that the Legislature of Pennsylvania should comply with that portion of Gov. Curtin's Message and that part of Gov. Packer's valedictory, in which the repeal of all laws which, by implication, may be construed to interfere with the Fugitive Slave law is recommended.

Gov. Seward has taken the initiative, with other prominent gentlemen, in getting up a grand Inauguration Ball, at which men of all sections can join, and dance "all hands round."

Bills are being prepared by the Military and Naval Committees of the House, and by the Committee of Ways and Means, for immediately placing the country upon a war footing.--The President will be authorized to call for the enlistment of volunteers, and a considerable number of war steamers will be forth with ordered to be constructed.

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