HonBrice J. Goldsborough, of Dorchester county, Md., has been elected to the bench of the Maryland Court of Appeals, vice Eccleston, deceased.
Maj. Jno. Eaton Lecomte, who designed the defences at Old Point Comfort, died in Philadelphia on the 21st inst.
Dr. Willis B, Crawford, of Marion county, S. C., was killed on the 22d inst., by the accidental explosion of his pistol.
Wm. I. Connally was shot and killed near Milton, N. C., on the 16th inst, by Lawson Brandon, his son-in-law.
Thomas Waring, Auditor of the South Carolina Railroad, died at Charleston, S. C., on the 22d inst.
The paper mill recently erected at Fredericksburg, Va., has been put in operation.
Hon. John J. Crittenden, of Ky., arrived in Philadelphia Friday.