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A swindle

--A curious swindle was recently perpetrated at Elizabeth City. N J. A man of venerable appearance, on Thursday last, engaged Library Hall for a lecture on "The Character of Benjamin Franklin." by Hon. Edward Everett. Large numbers of tickets were sold at the various places designated, and on Friday evening quite a large audience was in attendance at the hall, to enjoy the promised treat; but Mr. Everett did not come, and anxious inquirers learned that the money for the tickets sold at the drug store had been collected by the man pretending to be his agent. Those who had been taken in immediately started for the railroad depot, where they found the swindler. His appearance was some what changed, for he had discarded his grey locks in favor of a jet black moustache and whiskers; but he was detected, nevertheless, and speedily found his way to jail. At one time the indignation ran so high that there was a prospect of his receiving a lynching.

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