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The mails by the Africa.

The steamship Africa arrived at New York Friday, having left Liverpool on the 10th and Queenstown on the 11th inst. Her mails contain nothing very important not contained in the telegraphic summary. We subjoin some items:

The Prince of Wales had not arrived when the Africa left Queenstown.

A prospectus had been issued of a Cotton Company, with a strong Manchester Board of Directors, the principal object being to develop the Dharwar cotton fields, in the Bombay Presidency. The capital of the company is fixed at £100,000. The funeral of the Earl of Dundonald had been fixed to take place on the 14th inst. at Westminster Abbey.

The projected visit of volunteers to Paris was meeting with so much ridicule and opposition that there was little chance of the scheme being carried out.

The usual Mayoralty elections throughout England took place on the 9th inst. At Liverpool the choice fell upon Mr. S. R. Graves.

Alderman Wire, ex-Lord Mayor of London, died on the 9th.

The monthly returns of the Bank of France show a decrease in cash during November of over twenty-five millions of trance, and an increase in bills discounted of over forty-three millions.

It was stated positively in Paris that final orders had been given for the formation of a squadron of reserve, which, it was said, will be ready to put to sea next spring.

The Bourse on the 9th was very animated, and rentes advanced, closing at 70, 10.

The European Times says: The intercepted correspondence of the Tartar General with the Court of Pekin brings to light the singular fact that the statesmen of China have mastered our language, and made themselves acquainted with the proceedings in the British Parliament arising out of this very war.

A telegraphic dispatch from Marseilles states that, according to intelligence from Aleppo, Fund Pascha had called on the Christians of that place to pay a sum of 200,000f. in three days, as compensation for being exempted from serving in the army. The Christians having replied that they would prefer serving, the Turkish authorities refused the offer.--Fund Pascha was expected at Aleppo.

The investiture of Gaeta, the refuge of the King of Naples, continued on the land side, and the Sardinian fleet had opened its fire on the city, the French Admiral having received instructions to withdraw his interference. It was reported that negotiations were going on for the surrender of the fortress to the Sardinians. The force of the royalists had become much reduced, and it is stated that the commanders of the foreign fleets had advised the King to leave the city.

The inauguration of the new Lord Mayor of London, Mr. Cubitt, took place on the 9th, with the usual ceremonies. The grand banquet in the evening, at Guildhall, was attended by the principal members of the Cabinet, and by the Ambassadors of France and Sardinia--the other representatives of European Courts being absent. The French Minister, and Lord Palmerston and Lord John Russell made speeches on the occasion.

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