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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
charge of inciting Rebellion — Military Matters, &c.

Pittsylvania C.H.,Va., Oct. 30th.
Our Circuit Court is now in session, his Honor Judge Gilmer presiding, and has just fairly commenced upon a large docket, upon which there are, all told, over five hundred cases. The Grand Jury is now in session, and is doing a big business. To-day an indictment was found against a man named Dodson, for advising and inciting negroes in this State to rebel and make insurrection. He was examined last night, and the proof was as follows, almost verbatim: Dodson was overheard to tell negroes in their cabin at a late hour of the night, ‘"that the children of Israel were in greater bondage than they, (i.e., the negroes,) and that they threw off the yoke of slavery by themselves; that the negroes of St. Domingo had overpowered their masters and set themselves free, and that if they (the negroes of Virginia) would only be determined, and show that they were in earnest, the North would send them help; that there were 500 men in this county who would help them, and that many of the remainder would do nothing against them, and that in a short time they could all be free."’ Straws show how the wind blows, so I think this language, when used in the heart of Virginia, tells the tale. I wish you would hurry up Anderson & Co. in their armory arrangements. We want some good shooting irons.

Company A, commanded by Capt. Wm. H. Werth, was out on last Saturday, to shoot for a beautiful medal. There were only 69 shots fired (many of the company not firing,) and 56 were in the target, distance 80 long yards, and this with the old-fashioned musket altered to percussion. When they get the Minute muskets, they will take the prize from any of your city companies, for most of the men can cut the cross with a rifle off-hand nearly every fire. Lieut. J. D. Coles won the medal, his nearest shot being a quarter of an inch from the tuck in the centre.

It is now raining, and has been for several days. Money is scarcer than hen's teeth, and no prospect of improvement. Tobacco crop is enormous, and fine in quality. Our Circuit Court will continue three weeks, and will then give way to our Quarterly Court, which will last for another week, and then leave half the business undisposed of.


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