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Financial affairs.

--We copy the following facts from the New York Commercial of Tuesday evening:

‘ The bank statement this week, for the first time since the close of August, shows an increase in the discount line, and as those who are so ready to attribute all the recent fluctuations in stock matters to political causes have cited the contraction of the bank loans for the last few weeks, as connected with a rising specie average, in proof of a want of confidence on the part of bank managers in the existing state of affairs, we presume that they will be ready to hail the important increase of a million and a half shown by the foregoing statement as a harbinger of returning confidence, more especially as it has occurred during a week that stocks have been declining at the rate of two or three per cent. a day.

The specie average has increased nearly seven hundred thousand dollars, in the face of a drain of more than a quarter million by the sub-treasury during the week, and an excess of about one hundred thousand dollars in foreign exports, beyond the receipts from California, thus showing that the domestic exchanges must rule strongly in favor of the city, and demonstrating upon what want of foundation in facts rest the arguments of those who are predicting danger to the banks, from the drawing down of balances by their Southern customers. The deposits have accumulated a little in advance of the amount disbursed in loans, while there has been a small decrease in the circulation. The number of banks which increased their loans during the week is thirty-one, and their specie twenty-eight. The percentage of specie to circulation and deposits is 26 15 per cent., being an increase of 0.38 per cent. since last week.

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