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[p. 80]

Papers and addresses. 1906-7.

[Read before the Medford Historical Society.]

October 15.—Mexico. Mr. George S. Delano. Followed by a social hour.

November 19.—The Trees of Medford. Illustrated. Mr. Charles H. Morss.

December 17.—The Royall House and its people. Miss Helen T. Wild.

January 21.—The Restoration of the Flag to Sumter. Illustrated. Capt. D. Eldredge of Boston.

February 18.—Some letters of Miss Lucy Osgood. Rev. Henry C. DeLong.

March 18.—Annual Meeting. How I found the spinning Wheel. Mr. F. H. C. Woolley of Malden.

April 15.—Women in the Civil War and now. Mrs. Sarah E. Fuller.

May 20.—The first Methodist Episcopal Church in Medford. Mrs. Abby D. Saxe.

Supplementary course.

December 1.—‘Russia of the Past and of the Future.’ Prof. Leo Wiener of Harvard University.

January 5.—‘Present Day Aspects in Latin America.’ Senorita Carolina Holman Huidobro of Boston.

February 2.—‘Over Boston Neck to Mystic’ (Medford). Mr. Walter K. Watkins of Malden.

March 2.—‘Rambles in the Western Wilds.’ Illustrated. Mr. Moses W. Mann.

April 6.—‘From the Equator and Beyond.’ Mr. Sylvester Baxter of Malden.

May 4.—‘Medford Fifty Years Ago.’ Mr. Charles E. Hurd of Boston. [p. 81]

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