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[p. 61] to extend to the northeast corner of Cliff Shoal, both upon straight lines. A report was made to the Federal government, 28 October, 1803, but the scheme was not accomplished.

Of the family of Lemuel Cox, we know that William, who married in Dublin, died in Savannah.

Lemuel, who also visited Ireland, became a sailor. On a voyage to the Pacific he, with two others, while exploring a river, was deserted by his vessel and never heard of afterward. He left a widow and two children. Lemuel Cox, wheelwright, of Charlestown, was administrator of the estate of Lemuel Cox of Boston, mariner, 30 July, 1799, and it was, therefore, previous to that date the son disappeared.

John Sale Hickling Cox married, 16 June, 1803, at the Hollis street church, Nancy Lewis, b. 7 May, 1778. His wife died a few months after the wedding, 10 December, 1803. He was a lieutenant in the war of 1812, and resided in Reading.

Nancy Lewis and her brother Isaiah were children of Winslow Lewis, and their nephew was the late Dr. Winslow Lewis.

After the war J. S. H. Cox married Mrs. Arabelle Percelle, and lived in Charleston, S. C. He had two sons, Roland and William.

James Cox lived in New Bedford, where he married a Miss Tabor, a Quakeress. He moved to Ohio, where he died, leaving three sons.

His son Lemuel, a beneficiary by Lemuel Cox's will, sold his share in the estate of Lemuel Cox, deceased, to Rufus Bracket in 1827, his cousin Mary Ann Dadley's husband, as did the other grandchildren.

Susanna Hickling Cox married, 10 November, 1793, Simon Tufts of Medford, and had Eliza, Rhoda, Harriet L., Simon (b. 29 November, 1800), and Susanna H. Tufts. Eliza married Richard Brownell.

Harriet's name was changed to Harriet Lewis, and she married William Johnson, jeweller, lived in Boston and Quincy, and had Laura Ann Lewis, b. 8 November,

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