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[p. 54]


the subscriber would respectfully give notice, that the Selectmen have appointed him police Offi-Cer for the present year. Wishing to perform the duty assigned him, in a manner which will render his services satisfactory, he would ask the attention of every individual, and especially Parents and Guardians of children, to the reading of the By-laws as above; and instill into their minds, the importance of having them strictly adhered to. The Town is fast increasing in population, and the misdemeanors of those who are springing up amongst us, are becoming more frequent, and render the application of the Laws more necessary. He trusts the inhabitants will aid and approve of his preserving the quiet and order of the Town, and the enforcement of the Laws whenever expedient.

Agreeable to Article IV., in the By-Laws, it becomes his duty to regulate the arrangement of Teams in the Market-place, and post up said Rules and Regulations in the Town House. Therefore no Team, or vehicle, particularly heavy loaded teams, will be allowed to stop and obstruct the main travelled road, in and about the square, for any length of time, or obstruct any side-walk or crossings in said Town, or leave any Team during night hours, in any of said Town ways, without some guard attached to the same.

Per order of the Board of Selectmen,

Samuel Blanchard, Police Officer. Medford, March, 27th 1848.

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