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Historic Sites.

the work of the Committee on Historic Sites has taken permanent form in three tablets already placed, with the subject-matter for several others well under way. Those placed are as follows:

built by

Gov. Matthew Cradock, 1634.
Cradock House, Riverside avenue.

the aqueduct by which the Middlesex canal crossed the Mystic river Rested upon the identical Abutments and piers which now support this bridge.

Boston-avenue bridge over Mystic river.

here stood,

the second meeting House of Medford. Rev. Ebenezer Turrell.
South side of High street, near meeting House Brook.

This work has been, of necessity, slow. Not only have the records of Medford been examined very closely, but the records at East Cambridge and Boston.

Tablets are under way to mark the site of the First Church, one for the Royall House, old Wade House, and many other historic spots.

It is hoped by the committee to make this work thorough and complete with the gift of the funds from the late Town Improvement Society.

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