

the papers by Miss Helen T. Wild, on ‘Medford in the War of the Revolution,’ and Mrs. Anna D. Hallowell, on the ‘Life and Work of Lydia Maria Child,’ were most admirable, and readers of the register will enjoy their perusal when published.

the Membership Committee hopes to see a round three hundred names on our list by the end of this Society year. Help the committee by proposing names for membership in the Society.

the Committee on Historic Sites is doing faithful and conscientious work.

the Committee on Papers and Addresses is arranging for a series of interesting papers the coming fall and winter.

the Committee on Library and Collections respectfully suggests that objects of historical interest and facts of historical value are quite often obtained in unexpected places. The summer vacation is a capital time for exploring and digging. Remember the Medford Historical Society.

Send a copy of the July register to your friends in the country. They will enjoy reading it while swinging in the hammock, or resting in the shade of whispering pines and rustling oaks.

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