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[p. 11]

Medford Historical Society.

the Medford Historical Society was incorporated under Massachusetts laws, May 22, 1896.

The incorporators were Wm. Cushing Wait, Will C. Eddy, Lorin L. Dame, Mrs. Louise G. DeLong, Miss Helen T. Wild, Miss Eliza M. Gill, Miss Mary E. Sargent, Allston P. Joyce, and Charles H. Loomis.

The objects of the Society are ‘to collect, preserve, and disseminate the local and general history of Medford and the genealogy of Medford families; to make antiquarian collections; to collect books of general history, genealogy, and biography; and to prepare, or cause to be prepared, from time to time such papers and records relating to these subjects as maybe of general interest to the members.’

Medford is one of the ‘ancient and honorable’ communities of the country. Founded in 1630, its municipal life has been patriotic, dignified, and law-abiding, while the family history of many of its citizens is filled with facts and experiences relating to ‘ye early tymes,’ which have an irresistible charm for all those who ‘venerate the historic.’

It is a cause for regret that such a society had not been organized many years ago, as doubtless with the breaking up of old families year by year, much of antiquarian interest and value has been scattered, and presumably lost.

There are many individuals in the community personally interested in historical research, and a suggestion in the local paper, written by Mr. Will C. Eddy, that a Historical Society be formed, found a quick and hearty response from many kindred spirits.

Preliminary meetings were held, and organization and incorporation were effected.

The charter list contained one hundred and thirty-two names.

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