[p. 93]Benonie peirce sone of nathaniell peirce & lydia his wife born 24 sebter 1712 & dyed the 3d of october following
Elizibeth harris daughter of Abner harris & Elizibeth his wife born march 15th: 1710
Abner Harris sone of Abner Harris & Elizibeth his wife born ye 30th of may 1711
Lauran Jackson Harris Sone of Abner Harris & Elizibeth his wife born ye 9th of Jenuary 1712/13
Johana Blancher daughter of Joseph Blancher & Elizibeth his wife born ye 25 day of may 1711 lydia Wade daughter of Samuell Wade & lydia his wife born ye 10 day of Sebtember 1707
Sarah Wade daughter of Samuell Wade & lydia his wife born ye 18 day of Jenuary 1708-9
Dorathy Wade daughter of Samuell Wade & lydia his wife born ye 22 day of february 1710/11
Rebekah Wade daughter of Samuell Wade & lydia his wife born ye 28 day of Jenuary 1712/13
John Greatton Sone of John Greatton & Sarah his wife born ye 25 day of march 1712/13
Patiens Bradsho daughter of John Bradsho & mary his wife born ye 3d day of February 1711/12
Mary Bradshoe daughter of John Bradshoe & mary his wife dyed ye 9th of october 1712
Jonathan Seccomb sone of Richard Seccomb and Anne his wife born the 17th day of sebtember 1710
Anne Seccomb the daughter of Richard Seccomb and Anne his wife born the 17 day of Sebtember 1712
Stephen Willis Sone of Stephen willis & Susana his wife born ye 22 day of october 1712
Sarah Wait the daughter of Peter Wait & Sarah his wife born the 14th day of Jenuary 1713/14
Joseph Alberey sone of John Alberey and Elizibeth his wife born the 16th day of August 1713
Jonathan Willis Sone of Stephen Willis & Susana his wife born ye 24 day of march 1714
Samuell lock sone of frances lock & elizibeth his wife born ye 15th of Jenuary 1713/14 mary Peirce daughter of nathaniell Peirce & lydia his wife born ye 2d day of march 1713/14
Jonathan Willis Sone of Stephen Willis & Susana his wife dyed the 19 day of october 1714
Aron Porter sone of the Reverend mr Aron Porter & Susana his wife Born ye 9th day of July 1714
Peter Son of Thomas & Mary Tuftt born March 8th 1714
Mary Daughter of Ebenz and Ledia Nutting born march the first 1714
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