Abatis, the use of, in battle, 20.Alexandria, Va., captured by Federal troops, 30.
Antietam, map of manoeuvres on, 199; the battle of, 208; the positions of the two armies, 208; Lee's force at, 209; the movement across the Antietam on Lee's left flank, 209; the desperate struggle between McClellan's right and Lee's left, 212; Sumner's appearance before the Confederate left, 213; Burnside at the lower stone bridge, 219; the operations on McClellan's left under Burnside, 219; Franklin arrives and re-enforces McClellan's right, 219; McClellan's urgent order to Burnside—the latter's delay to advance on Lee's right, 220; Burnside driven back by Confederate re-enforcements, 221; the losses of both armies, 221; Lee's withdrawal to Virginia, 222; McClellan's intentions as to renewed attack, 222.
Archduke Charles, the, on duties of a general, 131.
Army of Northern Virginia—see Confederate army.
Army of the Potomac in History, 13; its adversary, 16; organization of the, 60; engineer establishment of the, 65; artillery organization of the, 65; brigade organization of the, 65; strength and condition of, on McClellan assuming command, 62; strength available for advance, 70; army corps, McClellan's intentions, 64; first disposition of the, 27; first crossed into Virginia, 30; Manassas campaign —see Manassas; inactivity during winter of 1861-2, reasons advanced for, 71; comparative discipline in 1861 and 1862, 72; organization into four corps by the President, 88; resumes its positions of previous to battle of Fair Oaks, 139; strength, June 26, 1861, 142; Gaines' Mills battle, 149; right wing on the south bank of Chickahominy River, 153; retreat to the James commenced, 154; order of march across White Oak Swamp, 155; concentrated at Malvern Hill —the battle of, 160; withdraws from Malvern Hill to Harrison's Bar, 164: its bravery and endurance on the Peninsula, 166; number brought back to Harrison's Landing, 167; ordered to withdraw to Aquia Creek, 171; transferred to Aquia Creek and Alexandria, via Fortress Monroe, 174; Army of Virginia absorbed into, 193; movement towards Frederick, 197; moves towards Harper's Ferry, 201; arrives at South Mountain, 202; at Antietam, 208; position after battle of Antietam, 225; reorganization of operations after Antietam, 225; crossed the Potomac into Virginia, 226; McClellan removed and Burnside appointed to command, 227; its change of base to Fredericksburg, 230; reorganized by Burnside into three grand divisions, 231; moves from Warrenton, 233; the battle of Fredericksburg, 238; ‘mud march,’ 258; Hooker placed in command, 261; spirit of the officers under Burnside, 262; Chancellorsville campaign, 267; cavalry, Hooker's organization of the, 268; the badge system and its value, 268; [626] its strength before Chancellorsville, 269; passage of the Rappahannock before Chancellorsville, 270); strength after Chancellorsville, 310; Meade appointed to command, 323; Hooker resigns command, 323; Gettysburg campaign, 326; campaign of manoeuvres, 373; Mine Run move, 398; in winter-quarters, 398; overland campaign, the, 402; reorganized into three corps-Hancock, Sedgwick, and Warren, 410; Sheridan appointed to command cavalry, 412; before Petersburg, 507; ceases to exist, 622.
Army of Virginia formed by McDowell's, Fremont's, and Banks's armies, 168; absorbed into the Potomac army, 193.
Auburn, Stuart bivouacks within Union lines at, 381; Caldwell attacked in rear at, 381.
Austrian Aulic council and its Washington prototype, 96.
Banks's (Department of the Shenandoah) position during McClellan's advance, 122; at Strasburg with 16,000 men, 122; fights at, and retreats from, Winchester to north bank of Potomac, 125; General, at battle of Cedar Mountain. 173.
Badge system of the Potomac army, its origin and value, 268.
Baker, Colonel, death at battle of Ball's Bluff, 77.
Ball's Bluff, the battle of, 75.
Barnard, General, on early ideas on quelling the rebellion, 29; on assaulting Yorktown, 110; on the passage of the Chickahominy, 130.
Bethel, Butler, General, plan for capture of Big and Little, 31.
Big Bethel, the affair of, 31.
Birney, evidence on Meade's attack at Fredericksburg, 248.
Blackburn's Ford, General Tyler's repulse at, 48.
Blair, Postmaster-General, on advance via York River, 83.
Blenker's division detached from Mc-Clellan to join Fremont, 93.
Bolivar Heights, the position of, 206.
Bottom's Bridge, purpose of throwing Potomac army on Richmond side of the Chickahominy, 121.
Boydton plankroad, action of, 542.
Braddock Road, origin of the name, 47.
Brandy Station, cavalry action at, 313.
Bristoe Station, Hooker's defeat of Ewell at, 179; race of the two armies for, 380; battle of, 383.
Buckland's Mills,