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[313] General Pleasonton, with two divisions of cavalry under Buford and Gregg, supported by two picked brigades of infantry under Russell and Ames, crossed the Rappahannock at Kelly's and Beverley's fords, to move by converging roads on Culpepper. But Stuart, having already moved forward from Culpepper to Brandy Station, en route to form the advance and cover the flank of the main movement, a rencounter took place soon after the Union cavalry passed the river.

Crossing at Beverley's Ford, and advancing through the woodland, Buford immediately encountered a Confederate brigade under General Jones, which, after a considerable combat,1 he drove back for a couple of miles, when he found himself checked by the arrival of the brigades of W. H. F. Lee and Wade Hampton to the support of Jones. Hereupon severe fighting followed; but presently Stuart was compelled to draw off to face a menace by another force threatening his rear.2 This threat came from the column under Gregg, which had crossed at Kelly's Ford, and advanced towards Brandy Station, its progress being disputed by a Confederate brigade under General Robertson. Pushing on towards Brandy Station, a spirited passage at arms took place for the possession of the heights, which were at length carried by Gregg. Stuart having withdrawn the main portion of the three brigades from Buford's front, then approached quickly, and a determined combat ensued. Considerable loss occurred on both sides, and finally Gregg, finding that the other column had not been able to move up to make a junction with him, fell back towards his right and rear and united with the division under Buford, whereupon General Pleasonton retired his command across the Rappahannock. This engagement between the entire mounted force of the opposing armies was an interesting one, because it was of the few encounters on a

1 In this action, Colonel B. F. Davis, of the Eighth New York Cavalry, was killed. Colonel Davis was a gallant officer, and during the investment of Colonel Miles at Harper's Ferry cut his way through Jackson's lines, saving his force and capturing a portion of Longstreet's trains.

2 General Stuart: Report of the Battle of Fleetwood.

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J. E. B. Stuart (4)
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