McMahon, General, on Sedgwick's movement before Chancellorsville, 275.
Magruder, Colonel J. B., position near Hampton, 27; on Confederate position on Chickahominy right bank, 147.
Malvern Hill reached by McClellan's artillery, 157; map of the battlefield, 160; battle of, 160; position of the armies, 161; Hill's advance alone by misconception, 162; the Confederates completely repulsed, 163; left flank protected by James River gunboats, 164.
Manassas Junction, the first Confederate camp at, 27; captures of prisoners and supplies by Stuart, 177; advance against Jackson at, 181.
Manassas, the first battle of, 40; Mc-Dowell, General, on fear of masked batteries in Bull Run advance, 34; popular ignorance on nature of the war, 40; the battle of, in 1861, 40; McDowell's plan of operations against, 44; Johnston's evacuation of Winchester, and union with Beauregard, 46; McDowell's army moved from the Potomac towards, 46; McDowell's plan of attack, 48; Beauregard's lines of defence, 50; commencement of the battle, 51; the action of Stone Bridge, 52; peril of Confederate left flank, 53; retreat of the Union army, 56; losses on both sides, 57; causes of the Union defeat, 58; followed by popular uprising, 60; evacuated by Johnston, 89.
Manassas No. 2, Jackson's retreat from, 181; the second battle of, 182; Pope's position at, 181; useless attacks on Confederate positions, 185: close of first day's battle, 186; positions of second day, 188; Pope and Lee's intended attack on each other's left flank on second day, 188; Pope's belief of Lee's falling back, 188; McDowell ordered on Warrenton turnpike, 189; Porter's assault on Warrenton turnpike, 190; Porter repulsed from Warrenton turnpike, 190.
Manassas Gap, General French's feeble attack, 374
Marmont on discrimination of the soldier, 256.
Marsh Creek—see Williamsport.
Maryland campaign, the, 194; Lee's expected co-operation from citizens, 195; his disappointment, 196; McClellan's reorganization of his army, 197; Lee's plan of operations, 198; Frederick evacuated by Lee, 198; General Miles force at Harper's Ferry, 199; Lee's report on straggling, 224; the close of, 224; Antietam—see Antietam.
Maryland Heights occupied by Miles's troops, 205; abandoned by Miles, 206.
Martinsburg and Winchester, General White's force at, 199.
Masked battery fiction, influence of the, 34.
Meade, General, on McClellan's creation of the army, 67; on the battle of Fredericksburg, 248; appointed to command Potomac army, 323; characteristics of, and estimation by the army, 323; position of the army on his taking command, 324; his desire to fight a defensive battle at Gettysburg, 341; circumspect pursuit of Lee, 367; decides on attacking Lee at Williamsport, 369; Lee's escape at Williamsport considered, 369; advance into Virginia, 374; drives Lee across the Rappahannock and Rapidan, 375 position on the Rapidan line, 376; falls back behind the Rappahannock, his left being turned, 377; advances towards the Rappahannock in pursuit of Lee, 385; crossed the Rappahannock—the Confederate position, 387; back between the Rappahannock and Rapidan, 388; the Mine Run move, 390; plan of operations in Mina