localities, and declared that they were “an epilepsy of the fancy,” and that a vague general account would have been far better.
“Why describe the dress and appearance of an Indian chief, down to his tobacco-stopper and buttonholes?”
We now see that it is this very habit which has made Cooper's Indian a permanent figure in literature, while the Indians of his predecessor, Charles Brockden Brown, were merely dusky spectres.
“Poetry or romance,” continued the “Edinburgh Review,” “does not descend into the particulars,” this being the same fallacy satirized by Ruskin, whose imaginary painter produced a quadruped which was a generalization between a pony and a pig. Balzac, who risked the details of buttons and tobacco pipes as fearlessly as Cooper, said of “The Pathfinder,” “Never did the art of writing tread closer upon the art of the pencil.
This is the school of study for literary landscape painters.”
He says elsewhere: “If Cooper had succeeded in the painting of character to the same extent that he did in the painting of the phenomena of nature, he would have uttered the last word of our art.”
Upon such praise as this the reputation of James Fenimore Cooper may well rest.
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