Galahad, Sir, 296.Gallenga, A., 98.
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 309.
Garrison, W. L., 18, 177.
Garth, Caleb, 294.
Gellius, Aulus, quoted, 97.
Genlis, Madame de, 57, 179.
German schools, drawbacks of, 246.
Gerikiman standard, the, 243.
Germany, influence of, 23, 134.
Gibbon, Edward, 290.
Gisborne, Thomas, 4.
Gladstone, W. E., 136.
Godwin, M. W., 232.
Godwin, William, 178.
Goethe, J. W. von, quoted, 36, 179, 291.
Gosse, E. H., quoted, 193.
Gough, J. B., 309.
Gower, Lord, Ronald, 138.
graces, the S11Y, 306.
Grant, General U. S., 20, 127, 303.
Griswold, R. W., 289.
Gymnastics, elevation of, 64.
Hair, the uses of, 2.Hale, E. E., 206.
Hale, H. E., his theory of language. 181.
Hale, Lucretia, 40.
Harem, Shadow of the, 12.
Harland, Marion, 13.
Harte, Bret, 132, 153, 224.
Harvard University, 88, 275, 287.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, quoted, 105.
Hayley, William, 113.