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[147] systematic way of living. Wherever we drive in our summer jaunts through the country we see either the farmer at work in his fields or the operative in some little factory village. Yet the factory village has not been created by the “hands,” but by some one's head or by a series of heads. If it were burned down to-morrow, those who now labor in it would probably be powerless to recreate it and carry it on, even if all the capital it cost were put into their pockets. It seems unfair that the man who lives in the largest house in the village, and who never does a stroke of bodily labor, should have more consideration than those who work with their hands from morning till night. But the reason is that he is more important to the village than all the rest: his place cannot be filled, while theirs can. He has the organizing mind, or at least represents some one else who has it.

In case of the farmer, or at least the farmer of the Atlantic States, the distinction is less obvious, because his labor is less highly organized. He not only does his own work, but plans it also. Yet he uses at every moment the tools and processes which only the highest organization has perfected ; his mower, his reaper, even his plough and pitchfork, are the result of organizing mind brought to bear in some great establishment, perhaps a thousand miles away. Not only does the organizing mind

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