Artemis, 2.
Aryan race, traditions of the, 46.
Astell, Mary, quoted, 89.
Athena, 45.
Audrey, 102.
Auerbach, Berthold, quoted, 14.
aunts, maiden, 38.
Austen, Jane, quoted, 113. Also 156, 157, 160, 194.
Authorship, difficulties of, 151, 202.
Babies, exacting demands of, 41.Badeau, General, Adam, quoted, 103, 128.
Bancroft, H. H., 225.
Barnum, P. T., 108.
Barton, Clara, 20.
Baeudelaire, Charles, 302.
Baxter, Richard, 34.
Beach, S. N., quoted, 143.
Beaconsfield, Lord, quoted, 271.
Beethoven, L. yon, 252.
Bell, A. G., 99, 209.
Bell, Currer. See Brontie, Charlotte.
Bickerdyke, Mother, 20.
Birds at midsummer, 304.
Birthday, secret of the, 176.
Bismarck, Prince, 309.
Black sergeant, prayer of, 79.
Black, William, quoted, 168.
Blake, William, 180.
Blanc, Louis, 129.
Blood, Lydia, 102.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 247.
Bonheur, Rosa, 250, 252, 261, 263.
Bossuet, J. B., 87.
Bourbons, decline of, 107.
breaking and bending, 121.
Bremer, Fredrika, quoted, 14.