And as with the English house-keeper, so with those who are to work under her; each is supposed to know his place, and practically does know it; there is no disputing, as sometimes in America, as to which of two or three men-servants ought to fetch a glass of water. I am far from asserting that this perfection of domestic service is the highest test of social progress; but it is thus far the only condition that can save the lady of the house from being prematurely worn out. It remains to be seen whether American wealth and American ingenuity can combine to solve this problem anew, and release “society women” from something of their tremendous drudgery. And it needs to be solved without delay, since in all our summer resorts, as they develop, the cottager is replacing the old-time boarder — a gain to the guests, but destructive to the hostess, who, after keeping house all winter under great difficulties, has to do the same thing all summer under greater. All others find in her charming hospitality a delightful exchange for the noise and hurry of the hotel. But who pays the price of it? What is to become of the Daughters of Toil?