Editorial Paragraphs.
The delay in the publication of this number was anticipated and announced in our last; but we hope to be able to issue the remaining numbers of the volume by the last of this month or the first of next. Our subscribers will get their full quota of numbers and of pages, and they will bear with us that we have been compelled by circumstances beyond our control to be tardy sometimes in issuing a given number
Colonel Anderson's splendid address, for the publication of which there has been a general demand, occupies so large a part of this issue that a number of other articles have been crowded out; but we are sure that our readers will thank us for putting within their reach this full discussion of one of the great battles of the war.
The plans of the Executive Committee for placing our Society on a firm financial basis are being vigorously pressed, and with every prospect of success. We want help in three directions:
1. Contributions to a special fund of $2,000, to be raised by the first of February.
2. Contributions to a permanent endowment fund, which shall be invested and only the income used for the annual expenses of the Society.
3. Subscriptions to our Papers, which shall go to meet current expenses.
Can you not help us by a subscription, large or small, to our specialfund, or permanent endowment? And be sure to renew promptly your own and to endeavor to send with yours at least one new subscription.
Those who have been talking of becoming life members would greatly oblige us by doing so now.