I shall rest here a day or two, and shall then move to the valley and drive from Martinsburg a body of cavalry which has returned there, and then send the cavalry to destroy effectually the Baltimore and Ohio railroad westward, and also to destroy the coal mines and furnaces around Cumberland, unless I get different orders. I am sorry I did not succeed in capturing Washington and releasing our prisoners at. Point Lookout, but the latter was impracticable after I determined to retire from before Washington. There was intense excitement and alarm in Washington and Baltimore, and all over the North, and my force was very greatly exaggerated, it being reported that you were in command, having left Beauregard at Petersburg.
Washington can never be taken by our troops, unless surprised when without a force to defend it. Please send me orders by telegraph to Winchester.
P. S.--I was compelled to leave about 400 wuonded men in Frederick, because they could not be transported.Hunter has certainly passed Williamsport two or three days ago.
I will start for the valley in the morning. The arrival of the Nineteenth corps in Washington is again reported, and there is a report that a part of Bank's force has arrived, but I do not place much confidence in these reports. I think perhaps the heavy artillery from the Nineteenth corps has come.